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Is this where we can put wish lists?


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  • RMweb Premium

Tim - A man after my own heart! My wish list (in 00) slightly revises the one below by only leaving out the G6, Q and PMV (only because i have built so many Parkside versions!). My top choices on the loco front would be the O2 and S15.


Mind you I think that for the SR fan wish lists of coaches and wagons may be more realistic as the eye of Hornby / Bachmann seems to be wandering to the locos of the other, non SR, regions. For me then top of the list would be Bulleid coaches to current standards and the SR 25T brake (pill box types).


OK, pure wish listing for SR/BR(S) and in no particular order :unsure:




Maunsell Q class 0-6-0

Urie / Maunsell S15 class 4-6-0

Drummond 700 class 0-6-0

Maunsell U class 2-6-0

Adams O2 class 0-4-4T

Adams 0415 Class 4-4-2T

Maunsell Z class 0-8-0T

Adams G6 class 0-6-0T




Maunsell 600 Push Pull (ex. BCK + SO)

Maunsell Catering Vehicles

Bulleid - (either re-tooled Bachmann or new shallow vent variants)




25 ton brake

50' Bogie Guard's Van (Bogie 'B')



Cheers :rolleyes:


Would be good if those nice chaps at Kernow could do the O2 and Pill box.... I do keep planting this seed... ever hopefull!

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We've probably let this topic meander on for longer than it needed to - yes, wish lists can be entertaining for a period but they never come to any conclusion that any manufacturer would pay much attention to. This one has reached an end point now.

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