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This Layout isn't going to happen for the 2010 Challenge (too little money to much to buy) I wll leave it up here(if im allowed) so someone can grab it by the Reins and set off.


Many thanks to all who posted


Good day all,


I thought I might as well get the ball rolling for my 2010 challenge so here goes:


My layout will be based somewere in the south of England By the sea, The track plan will be similar to 'Alexandra yard' and will be based on Mines a Pint's(Russ')plans http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=28747&hilit=spurn+head. I intend to complete the loop on the sceinc side of the layout and alter the building arragements and layout for my own needs, Possibly a sand quarry or an ex WW2 military base.


I've worked out 2010 square inches to equal 13.959333 square feet. To make the decimal into inches I did:





therefore 0.95 works out at about 11 1/4 in. and so 2010 works out at about 13 square ft 11 1/4 square in.

Enough of all that maths talk.


My layout should it ever get built will be 18in by 9ft 3in thus using up most of the 2010 sqaure inches.I will have about 6ft of sceinic section and 3ft of fiddle yard, In practice that may vary a little as things may need more/less space. I will use Peco Track with Tourtiose Point motors and have the option of DCC.


Rolling stock will Probably be 12 or so wagons and 1 or 2 small shunters.


I will be Updating this when I get started which won't be until at least new year.


Any Comments/advice welcome particulary on 7mm.





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  • RMweb Gold

You'll have loads more room than that plan! though you'll probably need it using ready-made track! the idea was to use quite small Y points to save space. As you've found the thread you are probably best to adapt the plan from there. Most of the versions I have are on Templot files.


I've got a full size printout I could probably post to you, but its in S7! - remember from what I've just read from the rules the non scenic areas dont have to come into the equation if you are modelling 7mm scale or above!


If I do any 7mm again it'll probably be narrow gauge so you are welcome to it! ;)

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Cheers Russ,


I realise that I don't have to include the fiddle yard in the 2010 inches but i don't acctually have the room to do that, However it does give me the scope if everything doesn't fit to extend it.


I hope I can do your plan justace Russ.






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Cheers Ian,


I've managed to find somebody at the club who said they'd lend me some (thanks John).


I sould hopefully be of to the O gauge Guild at Reading so that will give me an idea of the cost of things






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I sould hopefully be of to the O gauge Guild at Reading so that will give me an idea of the cost of things







Expensive is my guess! :P Good luck with it though, i'm sure the '0' gaugers at the club will give you a hand.



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Cheers Ian,


Latest progress on the layout is that it will be A sand/shingle quarry on Hurst spit.


The sort of stock I intend to use will be:


Fish van(s) for the transport of fish. ExLNER fish van?

Van(s) for general goods and stores. Ex SR van

Open wagon(s) for the transport of sand, shingle and coal. What sort of wagons would be used for this?


I'm abit worried about everything fitting, I may have to resort to marcway 48" points to save space.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Will,


I like the sound of this. Have you looked at Parkside Dundas in terms of rolling stock? They make a wide variety of kits that cover all regions of British Railways. What era are you thinking of setting it in? If its BR I'd suggest using the Parkside Dundas BR 12ton insulated fish van as I'm not sure how well travelled the ex LNER vans were. In terms of transporting the sand shingle and coal, Parkside produce a BR 13T sand wagon (for the sand (and shingle?) and the ubiquitous BR 16T mineral wagon. Peco also produce a very good model of the 16T mineral wagon, though this is a tad more expensive, but is a very easy to put together kit, having built two of these over the last few years. Stubby47 is also building one at the moment over on his workbench: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/2494-which-7mm-16t-wagon-kit-do-i-buy/


Here's the link to their online catalogue: http://www.parksidedundas.co.uk/acatalog/Test_Section.html


Yes, if you're pushed for space I'd recommend using Marcway 48" points, they're a lot smaller than Peco's current offerings.


What sort of locos are you thinking of using for this? Jim McGeown's range of kits are in my humble opinion some of the best available: http://www.jimmcgeown.com/


I've built his starter loco kit and its a) very cheap b ) very easy to put together and c) is also based (very loosely) on an ex LSWR design (the same one that inspired Tri-angs Polly and Nellie locos.


Hope this all helps!


I'll be following you're entry with interest.

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Will, I have found the paper point templates and they are 90" radius, can't find anything smaller at present. If you wish I could lend you a couple of old Peco points which are 6ft radius, this could give you some idea's when planning. I will be at club on tuesday as my job for next week has been postponed.

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I sould hopefully be of to the O gauge Guild at Reading so that will give me an idea of the cost of things


Cost is a myth and is all relative. One or two locos is enough for most 7mm layouts whereas just try getting away with that few in the same space in 4mm or 2mm.


If you are looking for loco kits the Agenoria range are pretty good and comparatively cheap. Also have a look at Scorpio Models I have done a couple of their wagons and they were fair to good, Also have one of their locos in a box for a rainy day ... week ... prolonged spell of seriously damp weather ;) Approx ??100 buys a very reasonable kit and I have wasted more on some so called kits in 4mm.


One thing is certain you will leave Reading penny-less :D

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I sould hopefully be of to the O gauge Guild at Reading so that will give me an idea of the cost of things


Cost is a myth and is all relative. One or two locos is enough for most 7mm layouts whereas just try getting away with that few in the same space in 4mm or 2mm.


If you are looking for loco kits the Agenoria range are pretty good and comparatively cheap. Also have a look at Scorpio Models I have done a couple of their wagons and they were fair to good, Also have one of their locos in a box for a rainy day ... week ... prolonged spell of seriously damp weather ;) Approx ??100 buys a very reasonable kit and I have wasted more on some so called kits in 4mm.


One thing is certain you will leave Reading penny-less :D

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Cheers Kenton,


I appriciate your comment on Price, I can get away with much less stock that I would be able to in the same space in OO.


I am undecided on motive power as I feel its too early in the day to decide on that.


hopefully at Reading I can get a couple of wagon kits and some points.





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Hi all.


does anyone know of a layout planning software that contains Peco O gauge track I've tried Xtrkcad and Anyrail but neither of these has Peco O gauge Track (well Xtrkcad does have a parameter file but its empty), Anybody know of any alternatives?





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Hi all.


does anyone know of a layout planning software that contains Peco O gauge track I've tried Xtrkcad and Anyrail but neither of these has Peco O gauge Track (well Xtrkcad does have a parameter file but its empty), Anybody know of any alternatives?





There is a file nmra-o.xtp file that has data in it

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One or two locos is enough for most 7mm layouts


That's the theory, at least.....




I started out in O scale with just an Atlas Plymouth (??20 :icon_thumbsup2: ) and an F-Unit, and that would be all...


Now, 2 Plymouths, 5 Soo Line locos, 2 BR Diesels, and an Industrial Shunter later, I'm embarking on a Class 14.... :icon_rolleyes: :icon_redface: :icon_lol:

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