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7mm scratch build loco shed.


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Hi guys, this is what I have been wrestling with over the last few days. A two road loco shed for the ON30 layout.

Total scratch, except for the windows, which are from Titchy Trains.

It's all of timber thus far. Strip wood of varying sizes, and a packet of hobby sticks (coffee stirrers) from hobby lobby.


So, the pics.

Here are the four main wall sections. The roof trusses can be seen at top of picture.









You can see the workshop section has had a coat of whitewash. I was going to do all the interior thus, but elected for the dirty raw wood look.





Here are a few more pics of progress. I went for a wash of super diluted India Ink, for the raw, dirty wood effect. I used Windex Clear, as my dilutant (no water) medium. This was airbrushed on, in two coats for the outside, and one on the interior. Guess what boys - nothing warped at all! I was very aprehensive of it all going out of shape. I think the wash dried to quick to do any harm.

These windows, and the door and frame, were not scratch built, but come from the excellent Titchy Trains line. I did add the brass dorknob though - a sewing pin-head.






A look up through the rafters. I have lighting to fit yet.






Another shot of the roof.






Scratch built loco shed doors. I cheated, and used plastic card. I had had enough of real wood.








I hope you like it so far.



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Shed is complete now, except for lighting, and placing on the layout - to facilitate fitting the floor. It would have been a real drafty shed in the winter! It's because of this that I didn't include roof vents.





I placed a skylight on one side, for two reasons - one, a big expanse of boring roof, and I didn't have enough currugated sheeting!





I left this side plain as it has the relief of the small out building. I still have to fit a stove pipe through the roof.

The doors don't look too bad either.





Gotta love that doorknob. That woodwork stands up to close inspection too.








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  • RMweb Premium

Very nice, I'm immediately struck by the views of the interior, all that atmosphere and detail just by following the way the prototype is built - no doubt adding some smaller details and 'junk' will really bring it to life!




Hi Smudge,

Terrific stuff, is the shed based on a prototype? It certainly looks very real. Not too sure about the yellow windowframes though!

All the best,


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