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Quite right Nigel. I have used my Itouch with Lenz and ESU ECoS with not one MERG item in my house. :)


And, I should have also said "as well as WiThrottle/JMRI, other iPod/iPhone solutions are available, including RocRail, TouchCab for ECoS, RR&Co + iPod App (iTunes download currently broken, Freiwald are aware, but Apple not yet fixed problem), etc.".

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I had the MMRS layout Slattocks Junction running trains last night off my iphone (WiThrottle) with JMRI and the MERG CBUS system. We did have an Android device connected as well but I couldn't get the address input on it for some reason. We're having a play on Saturday so i'll try to put a blog post up after that.


I've had JMRI running without issues on Ubuntu and Fedora but haven't tried taking a Linux install to the club yet to run the CBUS off it.


The MERG system is far and away cheaper than the alternatives if you have the ability and time to make up a couple of the modules to run the system.


Panelpro isn't as easy as Railroad and Co to setup point operation in but its a free piece of open source rather than an expensive off the shelf product.

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Cost is a big factor, and I do want to improve my electronics skills, so MERG appeals from that perspective. But will likely give a number of systems a try to see how they work for both me and Natalie on the joint venture layout we're planning. Realistically I don't see myself doing my own seperate layout (although an airbase with a Narrow Gauge railway could be interesting as a diorama/layout idea...).

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