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Harlech Castle in 009

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One of the first locos I built for Scrayingham was Harlech Castle which, for those not fully au fait with the real thing, more info can be found here: http://www.festipedi.../Harlech_Castle ). It was built from the Chivers body kit on a Farish 08 chassis (the original inside framed one). It has done sterling service, and is my usual motive power for testing the running of any new rolling stock, and indeed the extension. Here it is resting in the engine shed area of Scrayingham, during layout constrution.




The motor has, however started to become a little jerky and a repaint is needed, so I was considering fitting the newer Farish outside framed chassis, but was wondering if anyone has any experience in doing this, and how much work is involved. I don't fancy buying a new chassis if theres a lot of cutting about involved. I've also seen that RT Models produce a replacement set of rods to make the jackshaft drive, which will improve the apprearance no-end, again, has anyone used this?


Thanks in advance for any assistance/advice offered, and please feel free to add photos to any replies to aid description!





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