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Photos wanted, please

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Please can someone help with these two requests :


First, I'd like some photos of Deganwy Station, specifically the fencing between the railway and road, including if possible the level crossing. I'd like to use this area as a basis for part of Polbraze, so the platforms & station itself is not important, more the way the station sits in the local environment.


Second, I'd like some photos of the boat yard behind the Ross Swing Bridge, in Penzance, especially the boat ramp, the shed and any offices, etc., around there.


Many, many thanks to all.





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Most of the fencing between road and railway is diagonal timber type.

Around the crossing, I assume you mean the old one. Down side has virtical timber white painted and Up side metal spear style, black.

If you can be more specific I will let you have photos when I am working there next.


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  • RMweb Gold



Thanks for your reply. From what I can remember of Deganwy, having only passed it last August, the car park & road are very close to the rails. I'm after sort of general shots of the whole area, but yes, the old (is it now disused ? ) crossing & fences would be great.





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  • RMweb Gold

Hi, yep, all photos are gratefully accepted. There are lots of the bridge itself on the web, but I'd like to use the sheds as a basis for Bob Webb's premises on Polbraze, so also need a few close ups, preferably without a whacking great boat in the way smile.gif





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