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Depressed Youtuber - Thanks RMweb

S.A.C Martin

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Evening all,


Some of you will know I make a series of videos for youtube, which originally started out as a communications project for my university degree, but has exploded into a full grown hobby of making videos.


This last week I've had to delete around 200 posted messages on my videos from various users in the age 35-45 bracket, making comments such as "It's nerds like this that give railway?»? enthusiasts such a stupid reputation", and "you're a disgrace to railway enthusiasts everywhere" and a few other things I can't reprint on these pages.


What is starting to get me down is the frequency of these comments - they have appeared much more in the last few months than at any time in the last three years of making the videos. I know you always get these sort of posts, you can't please everyone all of the time - but I have never thought at any time that I was doing harm to the ethos of being a railway enthusiast, which is what seems to be going on with these comments.


What is perhaps most distressing, is that I do these videos for fun and for the most part, I do like it when people enjoy them. I like to think the quality is getting better too. But - my confidence for making these videos anymore is coming into question. What is it about the videos that give railway enthusiasts a bad name? I don't know and maybe that's what hurts most of all - the not understanding why and what it is that is getting peoples backs up on the 'Tube.


Thanks for reading,



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Guest Dutch_Master

Simon, your questioning yourself is exactly what those idiots are after. So in doing so, and possibly stop making these vid's altogether, is giving them the satisfaction they 'destroyed' you. Possibly they have an interest in doing so, either as makers of a competing video-stream or commercially motivated scams (selling people stuff they don't need for a problem they don't have, things like that).

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  • RMweb Premium

More to the point, if you're making railway videos I'd like to take a look - what should I search for?


Ignore the negative types - they're the equivalent of the "armchair rivet counters" who surface at every exhibition - good at knocking, never done a thing themselves.

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Sorry to hear that. There's some weird people about....


I'm sure you know, but you can block individuals from posting comments. I had one who was posting nonsense on one of my videos....


Doesn't help if they only post once, but may stop them coming back....

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Simon, I wouldn't worry.


Look at some of the other comments on YouTube videos... it's enough to make you lose faith in humanity... or at least in edyoocayshun.


In all honesty, if these people have nothing better to do with their lives than be keyboard warriors, then they're not really worth paying attention to. As Geoff said, they probably can't even come close to making videos like yours, and so attempt to belittle them. I'm being charitable here, they could simply be a***holes...


Don't pay any attention to them, delete the comments if necessary, but don't let them get to you. That's the only satisfaction that they want - an argument over the internet, probably because they aren't capable of winning one in real life... or possibly even social interaction. (Generalising again, but probably not far off given some of the comments you see on there).


I'll leave you with this thought from the xkcd webcomic which will hopefully cheer you up...




(Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License - this means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them).)


(Edited to add a slightly censored version of the cartoon... sorry :blush: )

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It's widely known that Youtube comments are the cesspit of the Internet; a significant proportion of them are the electronic equivalent of the morons who lean out of passenger windows of cars and bellow abuse at pedestrians. Does YouTube have the facility for you to moderate all comments on your videos before they go public?


YouTube comments are the abject lesson as to why moderation of any large community site is absolutely necessary.

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  • RMweb Premium

More to the point, if you're making railway videos I'd like to take a look - what should I search for?

I looked at Simon's profile and clicked on his URL there which is his YouTube profile.




I put it here so another tab can be opened in your browser unlike from the member's profile!


I've yet to see all his videos but Simon made an effort to put them up. :icon_thumbsup2:


I was surprised to learn that it's possible to delete rude comments from your clips but I can imagine that with millions of cyber pond life forms spewing highly polluted sewage into YouTube, it would be a never-ending task. :icon_frustrated:


I know all comments can be blocked when you put up a clip ( Hornby's YouTube offerings do block comments) but can comments be blocked retrospectively without losing earlier comments?


Don't let them get you down, Simon!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi , I have just loked at one of your videos for the first time and can see the problem! you are someone with a great talent in what you do which sad to say is all that is needed to upset those who have no talent at all and because of this they try to take it out on others. Do not let them get you down as already said no different from the ones you get at shows picking holes in every layout yet never built anything them selfs. carry on with the good work.

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Hi simon

Just watched your youtube videos and must say they are great. Dont worry about the clowns posting stupid comments just block them. Keep up the good work and i hope to see more of your videos soon.


Regards kev icon_thumbsup2.gif

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Just want to say thanks chaps for the support - feeling a little better overall.


I'm not entirely sure the jealousy theory holds up though :( It always seems to be something along the lines of presenting railway enthusiasts in a bad light. I just don't understand it - its on the youtube profile page that its primarily children's entertainment, so why all the comments?


The series gets around 10 youtube comments a day at present, and across the 29 videos, around 2000 views a day. It has got to the point where I'm moderating the comments as best I can, but a few slip through and start off some arguing on videos.


I am at the point where I may say "sod it" and remove the comments option altogether on the videos.

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  • RMweb Premium
Some of you will know I make a series of videos for youtube, which originally started out as a communications project for my university degree, but has exploded into a full grown hobby of making videos.

Hi Simon,


If you are making videos as a hobby, YouTube is the wrong place for them.


Try Vimeo instead: http://vimeo.com/


Some great videos on there.


Here's one: http://vimeo.com/7347818


Another: http://vimeo.com/811999





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If not jealousy, it may be insecurity - is it mainly railway enthusiasts who post the negative comments? (Obviously not including the generic Youtube cretins in that).


If it is, it'd be quite ironic... in accusing you of making the hobby look bad, they actually make it worse themselves by appearing to be childish, or implicitly implying that there is something to be embarrassed about, therefore drawing attention to it, and embarrassing themselves further... and not in the way that they assume. If any of that rambling makes sense?


It'd be a shame if you had to cut out the good comments for the sake of a few bad 'uns, but if it's causing you grief, it may be the best thing to do. Just keep posting them on here, so those of us who have a sense of proportion can post our comments, compliments and thanks :)

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm going to be completely honest here - I haven't seen any of your videos but I do feel that if anybody puts anything into the public domain in whatever form then that offering is likely to be criticised as much as it is likely to be praised, so criticism should be expected whether it's fair, warranted or not. Having said that why take notice of what the brainless tw*ts of the world think anyway? Who knows what their motives are, who cares what their motives are? There are only a few people in the world whose opinions I can count on and consequently I take notice of - they are my family. Others usually have their own agenda and consequently their opinions are usually totally unreliable. You have to carry on doing what you are doing for your own pleasure, not for what others think of your efforts.There will always be someone trying to knock you down.

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I'm going to be completely honest here - I haven't seen any of your videos but I do feel that if anybody puts anything into the public domain in whatever form then that offering is likely to be criticised as much as it is likely to be praised, so criticism should be expected whether it's fair, warranted or not. Having said that why take notice of what the brainless tw*ts of the world think anyway? Who knows what their motives are, who cares what their motives are? There are only a few people in the world whose opinions I can count on and consequently I take notice of - they are my family. Others usually have their own agenda and consequently their opinions are usually totally unreliable. You have to carry on doing what you are doing for your own pleasure, not for what others think of your efforts.There will always be someone trying to knock you down.


Thanks Phil - thats a top notch post, and a good reality check for myself. You are absolutely spot on there. Perhaps rather than trying to reason with it all - just ignore it, and carry on.


Cheers chap, thats helped a lot. :)

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Guest Max Stafford

Not only that, but Simon's thrown a little bit of real world history into his films, giving them an educational slant too.


Just treat the imbeciles who post those unintelligent comments with nothing more than the contempt they justly deserve. In fact, don't even dignify them with your attention. These individuals crave the oxygen of attention.


Far more satisfying to suffocate them... ;)



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I cant get sound on my PC at the moment, but what I can see looks really great, and assuming its childrens entertainment I think it looks far better than a certain bright blue tank engine-


You sir, have just made my day... :)



Not only that, but Simon's thrown a little bit of real world history into his films, giving them an educational slant too.


Just treat the imbeciles who post those unintelligent comments with nothing more than the contempt they justly deserve. In fact, don't even dignify them with your attention. These individuals crave the oxygen of attention.


Far more satisfying to suffocate them... ;)




This is the thing, I have tried to make it historical, having a real setting with real engines and based around real events - the last one, Fowler's Ghost, was a true story to the extent of the "ghost", whose trials and tribulations I weaved into making a ghost story.


Given its meant to appeal to the enthusiast to an extent as well as the 5-11 age bracket, I wonder how many people realise that I've spent three years trawling through magazines, books and journals to find real, historical reasons for certain characters being there and acting in such and such a manner.


Had to delete a few more comments this evening - but had a lovely message from a mother in Whitstable who asked me if I'd ever considered taking it round schools as a way of teaching story writing - something I must admit, had never crossed my mind, though I'd love to do it if the demand was there.


For every idiot, there is a good person giving support when you need it. Guess I should have worked that one out sooner. :)


EDIT: Have just edited my thread title to show my thanks to everyone who has posted their support and advice.

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  • RMweb Gold

Of course because my sound isnt working I could only offer comments based on the visuals, rather than you tube is there anyway we could get some in DVD form, I would love my kids to see it and see what they thought?


I honestly think you ought to be doing something more with this, even though we can see its mostly for your own enjoyment... Dont let the b**tards grind you down!

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Guest TomTank

I have been a big fan of the BRWS for a good year or so, it was at the end of the day one of my inspirations to model BR Eastern/North Easten Region.


I had no idea you were getting this sort of abuse from youn00bers. Your series is a fantastic educational series, and like Max Stafford has said.

It throws in abit (or in some cases quite alot of history)


You have interesting characters that are completely individual creations.


I stick to what I said a few months ago Si, I prefer the British Railway Series to the Railway Series.


Ignore them Si, as has been said, it's people with know talent who are completely envious and jealous of those who have,


which you have my friend!





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  • RMweb Premium



I think what you're observing there is, basically, nothing more than what I consider to be the greatest downside of the Web - the ability to hurl abuse at anybody from the safety of a sort of virtual "mask", thinking anonymity means carte blanche to do whatever you want, anytime. However, I can well relate to it nagging at you - interestingly, my girlfriend has picked mobbing and bullying in schools and on the Web as the topic for her thesis which she is going to start in the new year, this after reading reports like the one of a teenage girl committing suicide after discovering the "cute guy" she was chatting with on a dating site was actually a fake set up by one of her classmates with whom she was not exactly on friendly terms.


What I want to say is - it is, of course, hard to shrug off attackers which you cannot even see in the traditional sense. But - those guys really are not worth to be taken note of at all as they're obviously too cowardly to address you face to face. So - do keep up your work! :)

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