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Blog- TomTank's North Eastern Region Blog - Eastcote Central Final Stages of Track Relaying

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Hi all


Well the new points are in place and are a big improvement



Also got some 3rd and 4th Radius track for my large curve, will improve the loco running and hopefully stop the A2/2 bogie flipping up


here is the set track layed on top of the existing track



Have been discussing about with CUTLER2579 about his K1 and L1 kit built locos

and it seems even with these adjustments they still wont even cope with these curves as the radius 4 is 572mm and I don't think they could do 600mm!


So it seems Great Northern will still be coming as in the A1/1 and maybe an A2/1


and on a happier note, something came in the post today




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