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Blog- The Fatadder's 2010 Blog - A small planning update:

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Not a whole lot more has been accomplished since I posted the introduction yesterday, but there has been one pretty significant issue come up. As mentioned earlier I have based the trackplan on that at Botley to the point where its a pretty accurate representation.

The problem has come with the branch platform, which on the prototype is just a headshunt which runs parallel with a platform. the problem is that this requires a much wider platform in order to satisfy the requirements

(its currently only 20ft wide)


I think I can get the width up a little more by pulling the point back 20mm coupled with a slightly tighter curve before the platform rather than having it parallel with the mainline might help a bit, most annoyingly this does mean lifting up templates that are very well glued down!


I have also made a start on the track construction finally, having dug out all the components for the branch platform, found out that due to the short half metre rail lengths I have for bullhead rail, I am actually short of a lot more track than I thought as each length will only do one rail for one 60ft panel, so given the amount of wastage I am going to have to buy a pack of bullhead rail before I can build more than 2 panels. On the plus side this is the section that needs redesigning anyway in order to get the platform in anyway so its not too much of a hold up.

Will be returning to Templot this afternoon to get things sorted!


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