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Blog- buffalo's workbench - Some progress with the U28

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Since the last entry I've made some progress on the IKB U28 kit. The body is now complete and internal partitions have been added using 10 thou brass. I mentioned that I'd just started this kit, but I also have a separate chassis like the one in this kit that I built about a year ago. It has been languishing at the back of the bench since then because I was never happy with the suspension system. It has sprung internal hornblocks which I could not get to move freely enough. At any one time some would be fine but not all six. At present it needs some minor repairs to the brake rigging and I may try some alternative suspension methods. Still, for now it will do to stand the coach body on for photographic purposes.


So here is the current state of play; a little more stray solder to remove before a final clean and priming of the body, then I'll have to think about the chassis.








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