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Blog- Stubby47's Micro Layouts - Buildings - Harbour Office - Stage 4

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Following my help request thread for 'what items would go in a harbour office', I've added a roll top desk, some filing cabinets, a book shelf, a desk around the windows at one end and some desk items, being a book and some ashtrays so far.


The extension now has a roof and the start of the panelling and other dressing around the outside.





Other items to add are :

Inside :

Telephone, kettle, mugs, coat rack & coat, maps/charts, vhf radio & radar, people!, chairs and lighting


A telephone repeater bell, official posters on a board/poster cabinet, sandbags, a set of weighing scales, radar & vhf aerials, fish boxes, lobsterpots, etc



Just to proove I'm not all there, I added a cigarette to one of the ashtrays...






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