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O gauge yard lamps & O gauge high intensity lights for loco's

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Hi all,


I'm ideally looking for O gauge yard lamps the old fashioned single bulb variety not the big new style which yards have now, either in kit form or rtr would be good if anyone has any info on either?


Also I'm looking to add high intensity headlights to my o gauge class 47 and also the marker lights once i've fitted extreme etchings marker panels over the headcodes which lights/bulbs, leds are available on the market to do the job on my Duff?


Thanks for looking and any help much appreciated ;):yes:


Regards Rick.

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Duncan Models is your best source for yard lamps, his kits are easy to assemble and come with a grain of wheat bulb. As for the 47 I would have thought that the existing LEDs for the head codes would be bright enough for the HI front light.




mike g

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Thankyou for your replys chaps, can't actually see a depot yard lamp on the duncan models pages? But i'll keep checking the internet for some unless anyone knows of a stockist? All i can find in o gauge up to now is street lighting and bulbs.


On the high intensity yes thats great thankyou for the link:)


Regards, Rick.

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