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German Station /Layout plans


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  • RMweb Premium

Could anyone possibly point me in the direction of websites which feature either prototype German station track plans or suggestions for small layouts - I'm not after the Fleischmann/Arnold etc type of plans which seem to consist mainly of tight curved spirals, masses of tracks and big loco depots, but something suitable for a small/medium through station which I could adapt to occupy about 6 - 7' (2.3m) in N scale.

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Hi Colin,

I have referred to this website (in English!) for many different ideas as i find it to have lots of useful information. It's all about modelling Bavarian branchlines and has a host of information on signalling, locomotives, numbering systems etc.


Hope this helps,

John E.

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Could anyone possibly point me in the direction of websites which feature either prototype German station track plans or suggestions for small layouts - I'm not after the Fleischmann/Arnold etc type of plans which seem to consist mainly of tight curved spirals, masses of tracks and big loco depots, but something suitable for a small/medium through station which I could adapt to occupy about 6 - 7' (2.3m) in N scale.


Could try this site some good plans for both N @ HO


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the last 2 links - language isn't too much of a problem for me as I can read German to a basic standard.

I'm considering a small station perhaps on the outskirts of a medium sized town, so presumably the scenery would incorporate mainly residential/light industry development. I don't want a city centre this time (I already model urban in British 00) and am anxious to avoid the cliche'd Alpine layout with loads of spirals and bridges! I intend to do a bit of research on the northern part of Germany, in the hope of finding an area with gentle hills rather than mountains.

Excuse my ignorance but I've only visited Germany once; this was about 4 years ago while staying in Mulhouse, we had a day trip via Basel to Freiburg.

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