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Bridge over troublesome waterfalls..........

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I wasn't really sure what to do for my entry, I did originally plan to make a 'micro model' of the old GWR Broad Gauge Estuary Crossing at Wearde, Saltash, but even reduced to 1:500 there still wasn't enough room!


As things evolved, I realised that what I was making was turning out to be a bit of a foray into 7mm Narrow Gauge, and I ended up with a small wooden bridge crossing over a waterfall.


I have always fancied a go at O-16.5, and had a bash at developing new scenic techniques which included, electro static 'grass', silicone rubber for the water, and using 'real' moss and fern fronds etc for the scenics.


The sleepers are made from drink stirrers, cut to size, stained and glued in place and the rail came from the spares box. The retaining wall (or whatever its called) is some Wills Coarse Stone, 4mm but doesn't look to out of place, hopefully! The ballast is Greenscenes 4mm and the figure is I think Peco (it was donated by Stubby!).


The scenics are a combo of Woodland Scenics clump foliage, and the 'shrubs' are made by simply gluing some to a BBQ skewer using contact adhesive.


The static grass has been fun, with a machine bought and lots of fibres (Greenscene again) and various mixtures made up. I felt a bit like an old fashioned tobbaconist, rough ###### anyone?!! :)


Everything was then pulled together with a blast from the airbrush, some ModelMates spray cans and some additional flock for the 'flowers'.



Unfortunately, a fall whilst running and a left arm in a sling meant I couldn't add things like the fishplates, spikes and backscene, but overall it didn't come out to badly, even though its nothing 'like wot it was' intended to be.


Its been great fun building it, the neighbours have been very interested to see its progress (as its been photographed outside) and I have made friends with a couple of neighbours who I never really new before the challenge.


So has it been worth it?


Of course it has! :)




ps as an aside, and to finish everything off nicely, the1st two pictures in the sequence have been taken on a very sunny day in Saltash.


pps O-16.5, what potential!!!!!
















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I was wondering if Andy is able to put aside some small space at next years do so we can put some of these out for folks to have a look at?


No idea what to do with mine next?


For sale, small desirable plot with extensive views over nearby waterfall and local beauty spot!!..???

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