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Blog- Somercombe - It's wet, it's cold and nothing's happening

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Since my last entry nothing has happened on Somercombe. Although time has been available in the evenings, torrential rain has put me off going out to the shed. My eight straight days at work has now turned into nine and sthough I have quite a late start tomorrow, car problems mean I have to go to the garage instead of working in the shed. Never mind. I have thursday off and hopefully saturday I will get annual leave granted and then I am not available this Sunday. However, I have not been totally inactive. I have fitted extra pick-ups to my three Lima loco's and this has transformed their running qualities. Nice easy job at about ten minutes work per loco. Why hadn't I done it beforehttp://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif . Has anyone out there fitted pick-ups to the driven wheelshttp://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_question.gif or perhaps some sort of strip rubbing on the railhead. Also fitted them to JZjr's 156 and am waiting to get the wheels back from an old workmate who has turned them down to match the profile of more modern wheels. Picking these up on Thursday and may put pick-ups in the other carriage as well.

Oh, and I put more in his 158, as the trailer car lights flickered a bit across pointwork and anything less than spotless track.


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