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Model Railway Journal Anthologies - A Good Idea?

iL Dottore

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At Warley, I made my annual pilgrimage to the Wild Swan stand to stock up on the latest books and back-issues of MRJ from 2009* and it occurred to me that there could quite possibly be a market for anthologies of the very first issues of MRJ.


These, I am informed, are much sought after and are now changing hands for silly money on e-bay. I wonder how many RMWeb modellers would jump at the chance to get hold of the early issues of this august journal?


The format could be either a straight reprint of each issue (say 5 to 10 MRJ issues to a volume) or an edited down version of each issue (i.e. minus editorial, ads and small supplier's forum) - again with 5 to 10 MRJ issues per volume, either softback or hardback (my preference would be for hardback). Given the highly specialised nature of Wild Swan publishing, I would suspect the limited print run of such anthologies could be catered for and achieved.


It'd be interesting to hear what David Bigcheeseplant and other RMWebbers think about such a proposal.




* I do wish they would embrace credit cards and e-mail - it would make buying Wild Swan pubs much, much, easier for us ex-UK types and avoid us having to go through third parties

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I was the chap stood next to you when the discussion took place!


I'd say it was a good idea but there is always the possibility that anyone who is interested in MRJ would already have the complete works anyway? Nonetheless, there is a whole new generation of modellers who have come into the hobby since MRJ first saw the light of day, witness the sums complete runs go for on ebay and from traders such as Robert Humm.


Your other gripe that day about WS not embracing the 21st century with internet or even credit cards is also valid.

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What a good idea! There is much to be learned from the early issues and as you say they are quite thin on the ground. The only problem I can envision would be if an article calls for a product or kit that is long gone from the marketplace from a supplier who is no longer in business but that could be sorted at the editing stage. I also agree with your postscript regarding the use of plastic and e-mail, very tiresome for those of us over the seas and far away. MRJ has produced compendia (3 that I know of) in the past so this would not be a great leap for them.





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Only MRJ 6 was ever reprinted years later, as far as I know, because of the distribution difficulties that happened at about that time.


I'm not sure that we'll ever see Anthology series published.


Off-topic, has anyone seen Wild Swan's LMS Loco Profile no:11 (The Duchesses) in stock anywhere? It came out a few months ago, but I'm finding it difficult to find one on the shelves in London sad.gif

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Personally I would not be interested as mentioned above if you have been around a while and liked this mag then you have a complete set ... I think mine is almost complete. However, I gave up worrying about the 2 or 3 lost/lent out copies long ago.


I always have mixed feeling about MRJ - I always enjoy reading it and most of the time the layouts are inspiring (or should that be aspiring) however, I do find it to be very introspective and (yes that horrible word cliquey) often appearing to be the exclusive mouthpiece of a select group of modellers - that seems especially true of the non-layout articles.


Having a quick look back through the first few issues and I am not sure if they are worth the effort of a reprint. The layouts are always great, but they are dated. The articles are even more out of date and often refer to kits or products that are no longer available - some quite sadly. There still are the odd one or two techniques that are worth going through but I think it would be better to "modernise" them and bring them up to date with new approaches to be published in future issues of MRJ.


I think the hobby has moved on. What was once considered fine scale could be laughed out of fine scale today.

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  • RMweb Premium

The only problem I can envision would be if an article calls for a product or kit that is long gone from the marketplace from a supplier who is no longer in business






But many of those kits will be tucked away in cupboards and drawers, and may never get built by their present owners.

Sadly, none of us are getting any younger, and they WILL reappear on Ebay one day!

Dave. Contemplating mortality...:(

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O has anyone seen Wild Swan's LMS Loco Profile no:11 (The Duchesses) in stock anywhere? It came out a few months ago, but I'm finding it difficult to find one on the shelves in London quote]


Had it at the weekend in Motor books, (Cecil Court) off Charing Cross road.

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Having a quick look back through the first few issues and I am not sure if they are worth the effort of a reprint. The layouts are always great, but they are dated. The articles are even more out of date and often refer to kits or products that are no longer available - some quite sadly. There still are the odd one or two techniques that are worth going through but I think it would be better to "modernise" them and bring them up to date with new approaches to be published in future issues of MRJ.

Try MRJ 12,13 and 14 where Chris Croft did his series of articles on RCH mineral wagons and their differences. This series was invaluable for me in completing my kit and nothing has been available since that point in 4mm that comes close to the accuracy of his builds apart from the scratchbuilt work of John Hayes.

Its also worth noting I was 2 years old at the time but i've now nearly completed my backissue collection including all of the compendiums for about ??7.


Imho the mortality rate is outstripping the new modellers wanting a set! Wild Swan themselves have had lots of the early editions on their stall for a few ?? but I try to stick to paying no more than ??1.50 an issue. I have a subscription from now on and certainly would aim to get something into that magazine above the others in the future.


I don't see the point putting effort into a recompile of the material, just possibly a rerun of some articles if it ever becomes worthwhile. Personally I believe this is the future of back issues - ??1 per article in a pdf http://shop.afvmodeller.com/customer/home.php?cat=310&XCARTSESSID=d890548dfd47c644ff07dd6dff2d08c8

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I think I fall into a similar category as Craig - born in '88 and didn't really get into finescale modelling until around '04 so I've got a lot of catching up to do with back issues. The idea of a DVD containing them all would be brilliant and I would be prepared to pay a significant amount for it - the physical space saving alone would be enough to get me to part with my cash. However, for the time being I'm happy picking up my old copies at shows and heritage lines.


As mentioned above, I'd love to see an email address for MRJ as it would make the exchange of ideas and submission of articles infinitely easier. I can't help but feel that in this digital age not having one is a disadvantage to them and us. Don't get me wrong, if I ever achieve something that I feel is up to the standard of the magazine I'll happily pop something in the post but it would be nice if it could all be done via t'internet.



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Imho the mortality rate is outstripping the new modellers wanting a set! Wild Swan themselves have had lots of the early editions on their stall for a few ?? but I try to stick to paying no more than ??1.50 an issue.


Sometimes you have to take a gamble. I needed a couple of back issues to complete my MRJ collection, including the elusive No.6. A few years ago I spotted a set 0-50 for sale at ??75 which seemed a lot to pay at the time just for the couple of issues I wanted. Anyway I took a gamble, bought the set, put the surplus ones on ebay and made ??90! (??15 profit and three issues for free!). Worth considering if you want to complete a collection.

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The idea of a run on pdf sounds fine but it is a PITA to read them. I have the Eisenbahn Journal complete (1975-2008) DVD which was great value at EU 48 but it doesn't get the use that paper copies get although it does live in the CD drive of my work laptop for those quiet moments.




PS - Sh*t Pix - you make me feel old!

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O has anyone seen Wild Swan's LMS Loco Profile no:11 (The Duchesses) in stock anywhere? It came out a few months ago, but I'm finding it difficult to find one on the shelves in London


Had it at the weekend in Motor books, (Cecil Court) off Charing Cross road.


Called into Motor Books today. They don't have it.

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Well I have them all, I started buying it at about 95 and later I was GIVEN 0 to (about) 140 including Compendiums, scale conversion tables and the sepia print of the BTP on 'Bramblewick'.


So I'm happy with what I have!


I agree with craigwelsh that the Chris Crofts articles were inspiring, I had just read them a few weeks before he gave a talk at Scalefour north a few years ago.

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I "believe" I have a full set (though I might be missing the odd one about issue 140ish as a broken leg meant me relying on the good lady wife for magazine supplies). I'm not sure the reprint idea has any legs. Issue 0 is the only one that is difficult to source as far as I'm aware? I do miss the Compendiums which were excellent and at this time of year surely a good seller?


I think the download option for individual articles is the best way forward, though ??1 a throw seems a trifle expensive!:O

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I "believe" I have a full set (though I might be missing the odd one about issue 140ish as a broken leg meant me relying on the good lady wife for magazine supplies). I'm not sure the reprint idea has any legs. Issue 0 is the only one that is difficult to source as far as I'm aware? I do miss the Compendiums which were excellent and at this time of year surely a good seller?


I think the download option for individual articles is the best way forward, though ??1 a throw seems a trifle expensive!ohmy.gif

I agree that the likes of Chris Croft's series on modelling wagons is timeless, and can be readily applied to other scales.


Given the recent re-release of the Alan Gibson J15 in 4mm, Allan Sibley's write-up in No 1 Shop - Issue 7, with shed-loads of prototype info, would be very worth having to accompany the kit (or for anyone else contemplating a J15).


I said on the previous version of RMWeb that it's about time we had the option to purchase electronic copies of mags and articles - think of the saving in paper, carbon footprint, and no worries about missing a copy...


I recall Allan mentioning to me a little while ago that, for the completist, there are 2 Issues 6 to look out for, dated differently.

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Having just got a new release AG J15, it comes with an WSP authorised scan of the MRJ edition 7 article.

Excellent - nice to learn of some joined-up thinking for a change, and it also avoids the difficult question of copyright. Guess I know where that loco is going to be working. It also solves a problem for Allan since he's long lost his original notes.


Still, plenty more reasons to produce anthologies, with a supplementary question (NOT a wishlist) - if they were to be produced, would a collection of articles on a single theme or a mixed bag be the more acceptable package?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I spoke to Paul K briefly at Warley re the interweb, (and have also done so previously). He's certainly well aware of it's potential is my impression, but he really doesn't seem interested in using it either as a communication or commercial medium. My guess is he accepts both the limitations and advantages of not having an on-line presence and is happy with the status quo. Another MRJ Compendium would be nice though.



.As mentioned above, I'd love to see an email address for MRJ as it would make the exchange of ideas and submission of articles infinitely easier. I can't help but feel that in this digital age not having one is a disadvantage to them and us. Don't get me wrong, if I ever achieve something that I feel is up to the standard of the magazine I'll happily pop something in the post but it would be nice if it could all be done via t'internet. Pix


I think the PK/MRJ attiude to the interweb was well flagged by Roy Jackson editorial in #193 that was rather sniffy about web forums wasting modelling time! The standard of some of the models right here is right up with MRJ and as for inspiration, what better than following a quality build almost daily from contributors such as Jazz. Watch out Ken; Mr. Jackson does not approve of pseudonyms either! It's a free world of course........

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  • RMweb Premium

I was the chap stood next to you when the discussion took place!.....


....Your other gripe that day about WS not embracing the 21st century with internet or even credit cards is also valid.


I do wish they would join the rest of us with technology!


Great magazine, although I have probably not bought an issue for about 10 years and those from the early 90's are gathering dust on the book shelf.

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  • RMweb Premium

Great magazine, although I have probably not bought an issue for about 10 years and those from the early 90's are gathering dust on the book shelf.


Goodness, I keep mine readily to hand, and regularly refer back to them.




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Do Wild Swan still publish the MRJ annual Compendium book? I have numbers two and three which I browse through from time to time.


Number 2 - 1992 Has a great article on Inkerman Street, which is still very inspiring. It also has an article on soldering, which I still can not master to any degree! - After another couple of articles, it then concludes with an article on Ken Northwoods North Devonshire railway. This layout, together with Ken Ball's Fraddon and Tretford were two of the layouts responsible for me getting into the Great Western Railway, way back in the 1970's.


Number 3 - Presumably 1993 or 1994 offers several articles about loco kits, which still hold a fascination.

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