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Mindesten Halt - A first attempt

Cpt Cheddar

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Excellent stuff, the layout is coming along nicely. Are you installing point motors? I know it's in hindsight, but after taking the time to modify your turnouts for more reliable operation, it would have been an easy job to wire electrofrogs in. All good experience and progress though.






Hi Lee - No I'm not doing point motors, prefer to go for the hand of god option. Like you say, hindsight......!! It'll keep me on my toes though.

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Here's the latest:


The platforms are a bit bare! Can't keep the hordes away though. Behind you can see the wall - support pillars are in progress. Bit of Metcalfe's stone sheeting there.





The ballast on the main lines is complete:






And I've spent what bit of the afternoon wasn't taken up cutting hedges, building a plywood wall. This will have a liberal coating of the Metcalfe - it'll be well hidden by the overhang of the raised level and so it doesn't need to be too exact. My plan is to use it to practice a bit of flock and weeds etc, ready for the real thing on the wall behind the platform later. This sounds almost like planning! scary.




Hopefully get that wall finished tomorrow.......only a day at work to get past first!

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Cpt Cheddar,


Can I ask please - what's the surface of the platforms shown in the first photo and how did you do the white platform edges?






Hi Dave


The platform top is Metcalfe stone slabs. I'm toying with the idea of painting over and using N Scale ballast to mimic a rougher surface, but time will tell.


The white edges were done with masking tape and tippex. I don't know if it will last as well as paint, but it was certainly easy to apply!





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Ah - Dave you probably mean what's underneath. Just twigged. It's only a bit of 3mm ply, nothing special. Under that is some 1x1 pine batten. It may not be quite right if you're totting up rivets, but I'm happy with it. All made from spare wood that was knocking about which is very much the way i'm going!


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Ah - Dave you probably mean what's underneath. Just twigged. It's only a bit of 3mm ply, nothing special. Under that is some 1x1 pine batten. It may not be quite right if you're totting up rivets, but I'm happy with it. All made from spare wood that was knocking about which is very much the way i'm going!



Actually you were right the first time ;) Danemouth Mk 1 had the bare Metcalfe platforms but that stone sheet looks far better so that's what I will use on Mk2 - hadn't thought of Tippex though!


I'm somewhat c@ck-handed so I fine the Metcalfe stuff really good,





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I was in West London yesterday and snapped this from 20-odd floors up.





Which has got me thinking how to change this..:




The two lines at the bottom of the pic are sidings that run off of the inner of the three main lines roughly under the camera.....


It's fate! Might involve a fair bit of ripping up track though.... :scratchhead:

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all


I've done a (bit) of work to the platform area, no photos sadly. I'll take some tonight.



On the other side - I've begun thinking about re-laying the track. The following photo is pretty much the final layout i think. This will give a total of four sidings and a small headshunt. Locos will be able to plow right through too and back to the mainlines without having to back out in reverse - assuming clockwise running of that line.


The background shows where I've begun walling off the batoning ready for brickpaper. This will be hidden under the upper level anyway so only those of a very particular height will be able to see it.



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  • 1 month later...

Hello All


A bit of Christmas Engineering has resulted in a the FINAL ({honestly!) version of the track plan.  There will be no more tinkering!


A progress shot:




And the finished article:




It is now possible to enter into the yard from the inner of the three main lines (running clockwise) and exit straight back out again, but in between that a spot of shunting can now be done.  There are four sidings of varying length to be played with, and a headshunt.


Once the droppers are wired in the wall at the back can be finished off and the upper level screwed down. This will run above the section where the green box vans can be seen at the rear of the second photo before angling out again towards the camera above the hoppers on the right hand side.


Going to have a pop at a video - no trains running sadly, got to do some soldering before that happens again...



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  • 3 weeks later...



I've moved things along a touch - the upper level is now mostly glued in place.


Although it's open-sided for access, there would be no chance to get a hand in far enough to model anything, so I've had my first bash at scenery.  This is in darkness and can't really be seen when the 'roof' is on, but it felt wrong to leave it bare and gave me the chance to practice!


First I painted the plywood a nice 'Wilko' shade of burnt umber.  Lesson learnt - paint before ballasting!  I then sprinkled into the wet paint a hand-mix of some Woodland Scenics fine turf and fine brown earth to darken it up slightly.  Once this had dried I drizzled over some leftover water-PVA-rubbing alcohol mix that i had handy from some earlier ballasting.  Onto this I plonked some coarse turf and some bushes, and a few bits of Javis foliage i had too but I was less pleased with this.


The overall effect is:








There is more to show, but the outside temperature is putting me off the dash to the garage!!  Feedback appreciated.  



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Right, first try updating via attaching files on the iPad - hope this works!


First is the photo it was too cold to get the other night, of the upper level running fixed in place. Pillars are some small mdf wrapped in Metcalfe Stone Sheeting.




Second is looking at the adjacent corner. Scenic work under this has been done. A wall is prepared to go into the back, and the top has been screwed and glued in position. I've painted the underside acrylic black to darken it off. A bit of poly fills next to fill the gaps and then felt, track, wiring, ballast. Simples!!





And then looking underneath:








And the big (round!) support pillar wrapped in Metcalfe. Thank god for superglue! I'll hide the gaps and cracks with greenery.


Again, any feedback appreciated!



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Right, first try updating via attaching files on the iPad - hope this works!


First is the photo it was too cold to get the other night, of the upper level running fixed in place. Pillars are some small mdf wrapped in Metcalfe Stone Sheeting.




Second is looking at the adjacent corner. Scenic work under this has been done. A wall is prepared to go into the back, and the top has been screwed and glued in position. I've painted the underside acrylic black to darken it off. A bit of poly fills next to fill the gaps and then felt, track, wiring, ballast. Simples!!





And then looking underneath:








And the big (round!) support pillar wrapped in Metcalfe. Thank god for superglue! I'll hide the gaps and cracks with greenery.


Again, any feedback appreciated!


Hi guys think this is coming on really well ,look forward to seeing more.keep up the good work.



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Evening all


A bit of work has gone on up top over the last few days:


1. The felt goes down:







2. And then with the track laid.




At the back adjacent to the wall is why will be the platform. The base is some pine softwood and the top some 3mm ply, with an approx 2.5mm overhang. In the distance, under the stubbies, is the siding..




The tunnel mouth will be a hidden siding. I will roof this in, and then over the top will be a hillside with a cutting following the bend of the track. That's the plan anyway......

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I got a bit bored with track laying and woodwork (as I'm sure is anyone actually reading this and stuck with it this far!) so I had a play with a hillside. The last set of photos showed a corner with a peco tunnel mouth standing in the middle of nowhere. The first step was to turn that into this:




I then softened it up a bit with some newspaper:




And some gauge master mod-roc over the top:




Which left it looking like this:




Some burnt umber over the top:




And then some woodland scenics. A mix of greens and brown turfs:




Before finally some bushes and trees:






All feedback welcome!!

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  • 8 months later...

A bit of progress recently, although there has been a general slowing over the summer months...


Scenic work will start at the far end of the room and work backwards towards the door.  Here is an overview.  Close-up shots will have to wait until it looks a bit better!!!




And here is the 'good' corner:




And from a slightly different angle:




It doesnt look too bad from a distance and with one eye shut - although already the difference betwen early efforts and later ones is starting to show.  I think I will try spray glue as I'm finding soaking the greenery with a mix of IPA alcohol/PVA/Water is darkening it quite a bit, and it doesnt seem to lighten again.  



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