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Blog- Cherry's Corner. - Tewkesbury MPD challenge launch

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Yes my 2010 effort has been launched with a separate blog and so the pictures posted yesterday are of the quay side at Tewkesbury. It's an area I'd like to model eventually but for the challenge I need to restrict it to the MPD which is just up the line. More info to follow later.


So having planned this over a number of years I thought it was about time that I actually did something. So really it's a big thanks to the support from this community and the challenge set by Andy Y, otherwise it would have forever remained a virtual layout.


Whilst planning this launch I came across a blog which struck a nerve entitled There's no speed limit. (The lessons that changed my life.) I'm usually quite disdainful of the plethora of motivational emails that are spammed round offices however this blog had a philosophy which had a certain resonance.




Kimo's high expectations set a new pace for me. He taught me ???the standard pace is for chumps??? - that the system is designed so anyone can keep up. If you're more driven than ???just anyone??? - you can do so much more than anyone expects. And this applies to ALL of life - not just school.




I wish the same experience for everyone. I have no innate abilities. This article wasn't meant to be about me as much as the life-changing power of a great teacher and raised expectations.

So if you have read the article then you may understand it when I say that I hope this community is that great teacher and it sets high expectations that I need to push myself. I hope that I can do more than anyone expects of me, including myself!


Time to draw up that shopping list for Wigan.



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