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constant lighting in both directions from 1 LED - DC N gauge


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Hi guys,


The title might be a bit of a confusing one but anyway(Edited to make title make sense).


I want to fit some lights in to a model that I am doing that has got white LED's pointing either up onto the OHLE or down on to the track work. However being a bit of a muppet when it comes to electrics I have no idea on how it needs to be wired up. All 3 of the Coaches are empty with darkened windows.


The only other issue is 1 of the coaches has to have a switch on to enable me to turn the lights off on one coach when it is running on the other non-OHLE layout.


I have got the pick ups sorted for the coaches s the wires are there but thats as far as i have got.


Any help would be a massive help.



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Hello Alistair,


I'm new to this forum so please excuse my ignorance. Are the LEDs already fitted to the coaches or do you want to fit more, if so what colour and quantity? What is meant by the term OHLE? I assume you are running from a standard 12V DC controller.




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Hello Alistair,


I'm new to this forum so please excuse my ignorance. Are the LEDs already fitted to the coaches or do you want to fit more, if so what colour and quantity? What is meant by the term OHLE? I assume you are running from a standard 12V DC controller.







Basically i have got a voyager that i have painted yellow and I would like to fit lights to some of the coaches like you see on the real Network rail HST.


There is going to be a maximum of 2 White LED's per coach pointing down at the track or towards the head of the pantograph.


I have got the pickups going in to the coach but that is where it has stopped.


I am going to be running the model with a normal 12V DC controller.



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thanks Dutch_ Master.


that was what I was trying to remember back to old school science and electronics classes 11 years ago. I had been racking my brain since about noon trying to remember that but closest i got was the wheatstone bridge. which is nothing like it really apart from the components are in a square shape.


Is this how it needs to be done.




hopefully I got the idea of what you were telling me. I am assuming that the capacitor is to keep the LED on once the train has stopped moving? and if that is not an issue can it be removed?


If it is right i will be getting the bits tomorrow ready to take to Warley to put in our clubs cabinet.



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That looks spot on. The capacitor will keep the LED on for short periods but (depending on the amount of capacitance) probably more for reducing flicker rather than working through longer stops. You could also look at the DCC Concepts flickerfree which includes a similar circuit in one small package with a different type of capacitor that fits much more capacitance in a smaller space. This is more expensive than the circuit above but easier to put together.

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thanks very much.


1 coach has been wired up and works perfectly. I decided to leave the capacitors out because maplins had none.


Just the other 2 to do.


Only thing i need now is a very small slide switch for one of the other coaches so i can turn the light off when its needed but that will be after Warley.



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