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DC Controllers

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I am looking to purchase up to 6 panel mounted controllers to expand my automated running system. My existing controllers are all KPC with switched feedback. However, they are no longer in business for panel mounted systems. My layout is fixed at home and will automatically cycle 18 trains in a single session. Trains run at a continuos "realistic" speed starting their journey at the automated fiddle yard, through a scenic section and back to the automated fiddle yard. Speed varies between express passenger and slow (J11) goods. Currently none of my locos run with the KPC feedback on (although I understand the KPC controllers have some sort of in-built feedback loop). Running sessions can be rather long at times since I like to sit and watch trains go by as I "work". There seem to be two main contenders, ModelX and Guage Master. I reside in Canada so my ability to see these controllers at work and discuss their "points" with other operators is limited. Therefore I would greatly appreciate any feedback.


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