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Model Rail 164 January 2012 (published December 1 2011)


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Question for Chris N - in the detailing of the Sentinel a mix of diluted acrylic and weathering powder is used, in what rough proportion ?



It's not that critical, just keep adding the powder until you get the result you want. It's not an exact science in that I've never measured it. Maybe half a tea spoon of powder to egg cup of water. Practice on something else first like your little brother's 'Thomas'.

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good issue, had a model or real quiz with the guys at work with the class 20/snowplough picture, my wall planner was missing, but got one with steam railway. very handy indeed


The photo was fun to do, after messing about with 'fake snow' which kept clogging up the kitchen sieve I used B&Q plaster. Looks the biz, but tricky to remove because it tends to stick in to all the grooves. The layout still had to be scenicked, it's not something I'd do with a finished layout. The cover shot was done the same way on the same unfinished layout.

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