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Blog- Owen's Layout & Workbench - ECML in the 1960s - Building Bridges

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At one end of the layout are four tracks which enter the fiddle yard. The distance across them is quite large and somehow the entrance to the fiddle yard needs to be hidden so I began to build a bridge last night to span the four tracks.


After looking at a couple of scratchbuilt bridges on here, I found a few spare materials and knocked up something that looked like a girder plate bridge. The plate sides are made of 6mm Plywood, with plastic strip to represent the vertical struts and a couple of lengths of 'I' Girder sections were fixed along the bottom. The road deck is from a sheet of 1.5mm Balsa and the abundments were made from a couple of Wills Brick Sheets, with corner stones to match.




The girders were given a coat of grey and I'll make a start on further painting and weathering in good time.


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