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Christmas layout (Abbotsea Gardens)

john new

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I read about the American tradition of building a special Christmas layout during 2008 and liked the idea, thus for the second year running I have had a go at one myself. A full build blog for this project which I have called Abbotsea Gardens is here Not a serious model, just a piece of whimsy but put up for review. Scale works out at Gn12.




I think this one much better fits the idea of this type of layout than the attempt I made last year (Reindeer Landing) which got written up in the old RMweb here = http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=34267


What surprises me most of all is that these cheapo toy trains actually run and you can hack them appropriately. Fine scale it can't be but for some fun modelling for about the price of a pint of beer they are OK.

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