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Bachmann Class 37 Speaker


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi there,


I've fitted many sound chips and speakers to an assortment of mainly Class 66's. Normally I use DCC Supplies bass reflex speakers which give excellent sound quality. However, I have a question regarding which speaker is most suitable for the Bachmann 37?


I already have two factory fitted sound 37's that I will get reblown courtsey of Howes, and notice the speakers fitted are quite large, being placed into the recess below the fan housing in the metal casting. These appear not to be encased speakers at that.


I have another Bachmann 37 that I am going to chip and put a speaker into it. I've looked at the room in the speaker area and the encased DCC Supplies speaker does not fit the recess and looks like it will interfere with the placing of the bodyshell. I've looked at the Howes/DCC Supplies sites and can't make my mind up.


What have you DCC sound Experten used successfully to give the best sound?


Thanks, Mark

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  • RMweb Premium

for me and many others, 2 x 23 ml speakers in the tanks.


I'm one of the many others. Takes a little care and patience to disassemble the chassis. I actually use a 20mm hole saw to open up the bottom of the fuel tanks, although a good result can also be had by drilling a number of holes in the base also.




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Without contradicting the above in any way, if you want an easier solution, a bass enhanced speaker with the end lugs cut off will fit nicely into the existing speaker mounting recess.


The simplest solution of all I would regard as a temporary one until you can be bothered disassembling the thing, is to box in the existing speaker. This makes quite a difference for minimal effort. Even a casing made entirely of blu-tac works wonders.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks to both of you,


Blimey, is that really a Bachmann chip in that 37? It sounds spot on-though could do with a bit of thrash pieman! My Howes chipped 37 blows my mates Bachy 37 away so I just thought it was down to the chip. Guess it's a bit like buying a stereo and having crap speakers so you can't hear the music properly.


What speakers are you using and how easy is it to wire these into the Bachmann circuit board?





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all bar one of my 20 class 37 are twin 23 ml speakers fitted in the tanks. The 37 on the utube clip is 2 x 23 and a swd chip, buts its the same as the bachman as regards the engine sounds.

The Bachmann / swd 37 i have with the bass speaker (comparrison vids on my utube page) in the tanks is a little deeper at times, but it is not as good as 2 x 23 ml overall.


2 x 23 punches through the ambiant noise at shows or at MR club much better, i took the bass and 23 ml speker fitted class 37 to club and everyone said the 2 x 23 produced the better sound.

Bass is ok if you want something a little different /variety with the 37, much the same for the howes 37. Its a good chip on a tailchaser, but not so good on my depot layout where the reving gets a bit much most of the time.

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I too am one of those who swears by 2 x 23mm speakers in the fuel tanks for 37's.

I tried the Bass Reflex in the same position but changed it back to the two round ones!!!

The sound was so much better!!


The smiles on peoples faces at exhibitions when they go past simply indicates to me I've got it right!!


Remember it's not just about volume, in fact my opinion is that you should have to be close to the layout to hear the sounds. You shouldn't be able to hear it from accross the hall!!!!


If I can offer any advice.......

1. Always try to mount the speakers facing down so that the sound bounces back up off the layout.

2. Seal all the slots in the speaker housing with blue or black-tac (or similar). You'll be suprised at the difference!

3. Make sure both speakers are in phase with each other. I won't go into detail about it hear as it has been mentioned many times on this forum many times, just search for it in the DCC sound section.


These are a few tips that I have found most useful


I hope this helps





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When using two speakers do you wire them in series or paralel.




Hi icon_wave.gif


When I fit mine I wire them in parallel and have had no problems to date.

There are some who wire them in series! I can't comment on their experiences though.




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I have got a few 37's fitted with sound a couple have 2x 23mm in the tanks and 1x 23mm in the tank and a bass enhanced speaker on top of the chassis and then there's this one....

This is a Bachmann 37 DS model 37254 again different speaker set up, this one does growl! :icon_clap

Updated video to follow shortly

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  • RMweb Gold

Some interesting stuff here and ideas I'd never thought about.


I appreciate that volume isn't the main problem but the Bachmann 37 sound just didn't cut it for me though. It didn't have that growl so indicative of a Class 37 which the Howes chip has. You've since prooved me wrong with your videos and advice.


I guess as I've said before listening to doubleheaded 37's on a clay train is my overiding memory of these engines. You could hear that sound miles away!


Going back to the speakers themselves when I've put aside the ESU speakers/sound chambers supplied with the decoder would these be the ones to use in the fuel tanks?


Thanks again, Mark

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I have got a few 37's fitted with sound a couple have 2x 23mm in the tanks and 1x 23mm in the tank and a bass enhanced speaker on top of the chassis and then there's this one....

This is a Bachmann 37 DS model 37254 again different speaker set up, this one does growl! :icon_clap

Updated video to follow shortly



so what is different?

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Going back to the speakers themselves when I've put aside the ESU speakers/sound chambers supplied with the decoder would these be the ones to use in the fuel tanks?


Thanks again, Mark



if you mean the 20x40 i would say no. go for 2 x 23ml, available from Swd. you could at the same time oder a bass reflex speaker and then experiment to find a set up you like.

2 x 23ml in tanks?

Bass reflex in tank + bass enhanched under fan?

bass reflex in tank and supplied 20 x 40 but with sealed enclouse under fan?

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I have got a few 37's fitted with sound a couple have 2x 23mm in the tanks and 1x 23mm in the tank and a bass enhanced speaker on top of the chassis and then there's this one....

This is a Bachmann 37 DS model 37254 again different speaker set up, this one does growl! :icon_clap

Updated video to follow shortly


I used to think SWD mk4 was the best sounding class 37 sound chip, not anymore:


This one does Growl!


[only recorded on digital camera - in the flesh this thing growls nice and clear]

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so what is it?


Its the Bachmann DS sound chip with a bass reflex speaker in the tanks, completely different CV values though compared to what the chip comes with.

This set up makes the SWD mk4 sound chip with the 2x 23mm speakers in the tanks said really 'tinny'.

Sorry but this Bachmann DS now really sings like a real class 37, gutsy yes it is!

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a strange conclusion considering they are the same recordings!Have you tried altering the swd set up?


my swd mk4 definatly do not sound tinny.


Pieman I will do a video of them both side by side, for you to hear.

I Know SWD do the sound recordings for Bachmann,- but they are diffently not the same sounds.

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they may not be the same sounds, but i can assure you its the same recording!


It (sound) all comes down to speaker set up, which going back to the op question is why i suggest trying different speaker set ups.


No need to do u-tube clips thanks though for offering, i have had my own comparrison clips up for some time.

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they may not be the same sounds, but i can assure you its the same recording!


It (sound) all comes down to speaker set up, which going back to the op question is why i suggest trying different speaker set ups.


No need to do u-tube clips thanks though for offering, i have had my own comparrison clips up for some time.


You say they are the same recordings, but its whats done on the programming side that may have changed the sound.


I think I mentioned something similiar on another thread on how both Bachmann DS class 25 DS models I have sound slightly different, 25095 and 25245. Same sound recording same speaker set up - but different sound, its got to be something to do with the programming.


Going back to what I said earlier about the SWD sounding tinny, I said that I thought the SWD mk4 version was the best on the market, that was until I had changed the Bachmann DS 37254 model and by comparison this model makes the SWD now sound tinny.

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well, i think one thing is for sure, sound is subjective to the user!


I did start a post on old rmweb about prefered speaker set ups for various classes and sound projects, perhaps it time to do the same here (we can use this for class 37) so ideas can be shared and tried?

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi there,


Spoke to the nice lady at SWD on Friday. Have been through a few things with her and she basically said the best option was the 2x23mm speakers in the fuel tanks. Suprising that!


I've ordered two and sent a chip of for reprogramming as a 37/5.


When they arrive I'll keep you up to date with my progress.


Thanks once again to all of you.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi there,


Just to let you know I've put 2x23mm speakers in the fuel tanks on one of my 37's with a standard Bachmann sound decoder and the differnce is amazing!


You certainly get that growl and I like the notching up and down.


Sound advice everyone and excellent service from SWD.



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