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My scratch built 7mm 0-6-0 3f (Jinty) has developed an annoying squeak ? l have put load's of fine extralube oil on everything that move's, but it's still there, can anyone help me resolve this annoying squeak as it's driving me mad.....

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When does it squeak? If it's only when driving slowly, it could be the brushes. I recently had a motor that squeaked there. I found no other cure for it than to polish the edges of the brushes.

That, together with some running time, made it much better!

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A mousetrap ?


more seriously you need to identify where the squeek is coming from first before splash oil all over the place.


Has it been thoroughly run in? Is it in both directions at all speeds? Does it sound like a limping squeak (intermittent) or is it continuous?


The most common cause of a squeak is the bearings not "run in" it could also be something touching that shouldn't, or even poor gear meshing - none of these will be solved by oiling.

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Thank's for the quick reply lad's, forgot to mention it squeak happen's even without the motor fitted, just pushing it along the track by hand, l think Kenton's right it must be the bearing not being run yet ? regard's

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Could it be one of the pick-ups rubbing too tightly against the back of a wheel?




That's also a good suggestion.


But it really sounds like this loco has not been run in yet. Install the motor and gears and give it a good run in both directions - put a very small amount of oil on the bearings first. Monitor it and see if the squeak diminishes. All kit locos need to be run in.

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