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Blog- Redgate's Modelling - Golden Arrow Crosti - Loco Part 7

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Following a trip to my local music shop I ended up with a Rotosound second bass string for the insulated pipework. I felt kinda silly as I have three fully strung basses in the wardrobe that I never even considered checking http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif oh well.


So pipework is all done and I have also added the extra steps using Evergreen microstrip cemented in an "L" section for the undercab step and some scraps of phosphor bronze sheet for the smokebox steps.


Construction is done and following a good wash in warm soapy water a coat of grey primer will be added. I took loads of photos of the body with my Dad's 10Mpix camera, here's a few suitably resized for the forum:













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