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More problems with DC brake gear.

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I am still having problems with DC brake gear.This time it is the brake handles on the GWR shunters truck. If I position the brake handle as per the instructions and photographs in the one o'clock (OFF) position, I don't see how it can be moved because it will bump into the back of the headstock.


I am assuming that the brake handle is turned in a clockwise direction to turn it to the four o'clock (ON) position.


I also had this same problem when I built the ABS white metal shunters wagon in O gauge. Perhaps the brake lever moves in an anti-clockwise direction to turn it on ? My books say nothing about such mundane matters.

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Your assumptions are correct, Brian, the lever moves clockwise from off to on. On the prototype there was often very little clearance, but the ends of the buffer beams are often cut back so that the lower edge is several inches narrower than the top, and the lever is cranked outwards, usually around the middle of its length, so that the handle part will clear. Both of these apply to M1-M4 shunters' trucks.



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Yes, the bottom of the buffer beam is cut back but still not enough to allow movement of the brake handle in a clockwise direction. But are you saying that the handle is pulled out away from the solebar a bit and then moved or that the shape of the handle should allow movement past the buffer beam ?

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The leavers are cranked if you have the Cooper-Craft cattle wagon or the provender wagon you will see what we mean the 7mm ABS one you built most lickly will be right as well, if the same as the 4mm one. The Parkside Dundas, Cambrian and the Cooper-Craft 9' one hasn't got this feature on them (another part that will need to be redone)

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Buffalo : you can see on the photograph of the brass kit that he has soldered the brake handle in the two o'clock position to the RIGHT of the buffer beam. This make sense and that is where I thought it should go. Unfortunately. all the photographs and instructions of shunters trucks show the off position as being to the LEFT of the buffer beam. There is not anough crank in the brake handle in the kits to allow free passaage past this beam.


But now I know what it should look like...thank you for the photographs.

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