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Emmyton Station


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Figured I'd throw a second entry in as I will be working on the station for Emmyton over the next few weeks and it'll be scratch built.. so well fits into here.


The station will be a 3 platform terminus station with a high level booking hall and NER style overall roof. It will be of card and wood construction primarily probably with some brass and plastic.


This will probably be started very soon and finished after the other entry :-D.

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Hi Katier

I have already entered your Guess what it is comp so I thought that I had better stick my oar in here(so to say) as well. :-D


We already know what this project is about but have we got a plan drawn up ? or am I jumping the gun ?


I wish you well with both projects and good luck in the competition.


Cheers John

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  • 1 month later...

Started this one now. The first ( the brake van ) is complete apart from lettering.


No pictures yet but started with the platform. I hate building them up from a card base, I prefer to use wood with a thick card top. Wood is purchased and shaping is taking place. Once the shape is sorted I'll clad the side in brick/stone paper then add the platform top using mount car wrapped in suitable paper.


Then I can work out how I'm going to do the booking hall and anything on the platforms. The platforms aren't overly wide ( vary between a scale 8-10 ft to 23-24ft) with the main passenger ones (platform 4 was originally going to be carriage storage but now will double up mainly as parcels etc.).

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Overview of the station and it's low level goods yard with one platform almost complete ( needs edging ). In the platform is my J72 and one of my 'mess about' coaches. In the goods yard is my partially complete N10 with most of my current goods wagons including alongside the goods shed my challenge brake van.


The 'dock' for the goods shed was built the same way as the platforms. Internally (for those interested) the left hand line doesn't have a platform and only extends 1/2 of the way in. That will allow vehicles room to manoeuver at the far end of the shed.




Showing the full length of the platform that's completed. Platform 1 is about 5ft long and will be used for longer express trains, departures are slightly length limited by the cross over starting just before the end of the platform. 5ft in 3mm/ft is probably 7 coaches max although departures would probably be limited to 6 unless the loco was fouling the cross-over/other platforms.




Close-up of the center platform. It's made from a combination of softwood and balsa wood.



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Close to finished the platforms. The truck is holding down that side as that's not glued yet. Went for the paved surface as it 'meshes' easier.




The buildings design is still very 'up in the air' other than the following known facts :-


Retaining wall along the wall side, which I think may well feature my version of the Scarbourough bench. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3486/3797155303_bd5a4096f6_z.jpg


The station building will either straddle all platforms, or just the first one. If it straddles all the platforms then I may model part of the frontage roadway which would be a 'turning spot' as obviously the access road runs parallel to platform one but at the top of the retaining wall.


The other big question is whether to do the 'trademark' NER trainshed. There is room for one for certain and there would be two identical roofs as the centerpoint falls somewhere on the platform 2/3, slightly off center but that's not unusual for NER trainsheds - indeed I think York's roof supports are often 'off center' of the platforms.

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Trialling the floor plan in place. The internal plan is derived from Elderslie G&SWR station as someone kindly had the plan available. From top to bottom is the platform 1 hoist with stairs to platform 1 opposite, booking office, parcels office, general office, hoist for platforms 2/3/4 and finally the loo!!


Platform 1 is roughly 20ft scale wide narrowing to about 8 at the end.


Platform 2/3 isn't much wider at about 22ft scale.


Platform 4 will be mainly parcels and is quite narrow (about 10ft).


The on platform buildings will be fairly minimal.


Platform 1 is mainly arrivals ( and excursion departures - where they can't fit in 2) - so probably just bench seating under a canopy.

Platform 2 will be departures for longer distance trains (not sure I'd call them expresses)

Platform 3 push-pull and similar services.

Platform 4 mainly parcels, coach storage and perishable 'express' goods.

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Hi Katier


Just thought I would drop by and leave you a few more words of encouragement and to prove that we/I are/ am still keenly

watching your progress. I do not wish to make any comment at this time because it is still early days in the build but you

seem to be making good and steady progress so keep up the good work , thanks for the pics, keep em coming,they should

help with the old score on door when comp is judged.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Found a crossover I have forgotten I had built for a different location on the layout. It's now been dismantled and will be re-used to make the cross-over for the station allowing me to confirm the widths of the gaps between the platforms.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Progress made. Planning on a pair of legs between the current pairs to make 6 on each side. The Lift will fit between 4 legs on each platform. At the left side there will be a brick wall providing additional support to that end of the frame and the wall. The legs will all be buried into the platform so the height will be around 10mm lower. The gaps in the frame will have brick arches (well card with brick paper :P) and the building will primarilly be made out of wood.





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  • 5 weeks later...

More progress.. I have more pictures but need to process them.. but here's a couple of teasers.


Within reason I'm trying to use broadly correct materials so the metal is metal and wood is well generally wood. Obviously stopped short of using brick for the arches. As you can see the support structure has been painted and I've added the arches (which are naturally brick on the other side) and started work on the building.




Close up of the windows, havn't decided how I'll actually do the windows ( in terms of representing glazing bars) and probably won't do the stairs down to platform level. The planking is honestly probably twice as wide as it needs to be so might try to figure a simply way of disguising that fact.




I believe such a structure should be mainly baby/sky blue in NER days?

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Another quick update shot.




The floor is the same wood as used for the sides which was then 'stained' with a games workshop wash and given two coats of varnish.


The back wall would, on the prototype, have probably had some windows but as it's not visible when placed on the layout that's not needed. If I don't glue the top to the base then I can probably add them later if needed. The roof will be all card and the windows/doors are going to be the tricky bits.


Not sure if I'll do the stairs to track level as part of the challenge.

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Thanks Steve,


Don't have time for the stairs but the building is taking shape nicely.


Just airbrushed the walls into their final creme and red (NER) colours and looks really nice. Unfortunately two sides decided to part company but that's minor, just needs re-gluing when the sides are dry.


Job list :-


Reglue sides


make roof (scalescenes paper)

make windows ( couple of ideas for them)

make doors ( umm yeah gotta figure that out)

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There we go, re-glued ( I did wipe away the excess on the right) and ready for the next stage. There is a small error on the left but it'll be hidden by the roof and at the 'back' of the model.


The lack of windows at the back is primarily because that is the non-viewing side, but the roof will be removeable and won't be glued to the base so can retro-fit windows at a later date.


I used Levisham as a 'template' for the paint but because my windows are taller than those on the levisham waiting room, more akin to those that were at Heaton, I chose to paint to roughly the level of Levisham which obviously overlapped the windows slightly.


The rest of the paintscheme will be as per Levisham.

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