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Bachmann Midland Pullman - exclusive video!


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  • RMweb Gold

Excellent video of what looks to be an extremely good piece of model railway manufacturing work. I hope that all those who have been wishlisting for the BP will soon be putting their money where their mouths have been because Bachmann deserve some excellent sales results to go with a product of that apparent standard.

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To me the white underparts of the original liveried set stick out like a sore thumb. I have never noticed this on photo's of the prototype, even when new. I know that there are folk on here who won't blanche at weathering their new expensive train set, but I wouldn't dare so----I'm out!



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In the video the underframe parts are an off-white, this was a livery sample and changes will be made before the production version where the underframe parts will have a metallic aluminimum sheen (correct for the prototype as manufactured, see http://www.davidheys...and-pullman.jpg ) and the blue will have slightly less red content. It was a perfect match for an authentic sample but didn't look absolutely right on the model (on these samples displayed at Railfest and DEMU Showcase) and therefore changes are being made. In the original livery it's being produced as built and if that means the underframe is pristine then that's correct. In the circumstances I don't know what they could be expected to do unless they billed it as weathered. As an aside the darker grey on the later livery is to give the appearance of it being in service for a longer period of time as the underframe parts had darkened by the time they went to the WR.

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  • RMweb Gold

Andy Y obviously got to the video faster than I did! The sequence of the WR sets at - presumably - OOC clearly shows an almost-white shade on underframe gubbins, but the shots of the Midland version, having done some substantial mileage in the lengthy trials, look beigy at best, and the aerial shots in service show it all as the usual nondescript underframe grey/brown. Inasmuchas the parts clearly were painted white, this is no different from the many of us who run trains with pristine wheels and bogies in shiny black.


The models look delicious, and I share the hope they sell as well.


EDIT : Oh - this video! I was looking at the BTF one for evidence!

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  • RMweb Gold

Superb. I reckon that video will shift more sets that any magazine ad could. As for excuses - who needs one? Mine's been on order for yonks - I wonder how many we could get together on the modular layout at Taunton next year?!


Thanks Bachmann, but I'm still trying to come to terms with this. A brand new BP, made to current standards and due in the next few months :crazy: :dancer: .

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  • 3 months later...

What a stunning model!!!


Have just read the Model Rail review which gives it 98%!!!


Having witness so many, often incendiary threads on the matter I think thanks are due to Bachmann for not only doing it, but doing it to the highest of standards.


Just imagine had it been a 'not quite there' model?!?! how many disappointed people would there be?


Finally, the issue can be put to bed, those who have craved a Blue pullman now have one they can buy which outstretches all expectations!!


I'm sensing a Midland Region layout boom just to accommodate the model!


hmmm can i fit a monsal dale scene in my living room...

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