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Blog- Paxton Road's workbench - Mundane Mainline...

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I've always had a thing about Class 08s and 09s - and when younger rememeber seeing the Bachmann model appear as a pre-production sample in every years catalog and the model never make it to my local shop.


When I returned to the hobby two years ago the Bachmann and Hornby models were available, with pro's and con's to both. I personally prefer the shape of the Bachmann model and they run very well on Paxton Road. I recently chose to model 09007 based on the Bachmann model of 09006. This required more extensive modification than previously and I also undertook a heavy fading and weathering job. This model has appeared in Model Rail (no. 138, December) and I hope to be able to bring you the full story here in a week or so when Issue 139 is available. In the meantime here are some photos that were not used in the article.







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