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Signs for US layouts

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Cheers Jack, gotta love all of those Apple crate labels on post #2.


Whilst on the subject, is it considered OK to use ficticious or whimsical signs on a layout...? I managed to get a Rust-eze sign into a magazine article, but Disney's lawyers haven't contacted me yet....

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I see no reason why not - I like puns and whimsical names


I think it's one of those personal preference things. I know a few modellers who would have a fit if you put a fictional or whimsical sign on anything anywhere near their layout. I try to remember that this is supposed to be a fun hobby and treat it as such. If i can make a case for a bit of fiction and make it fit the period i model, I'm all for it.


Personally, if it achieves what you want it to do, i have no problem with fiction and whimsy, makes the hobby fun, which is what it's supposed to be at the end of the day!

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Agreed - working on the basis that it ids your layout, what you put on it - or call it - is up to you. If it upsets people to use names such as Kyle of Minogue, so be it, and if you look on Carls site you will find a lot of my designs have "punny" names -Avery-Labelle (A3 Label) is one that springs to mind. I'd draw the line, however. at having rude or vulgar names on layouts intended for exhibition purposes. One I have always wanted to use is "Shershawn Cannery - our name is our Bond" in honour of a certain famous Scot

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