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To their eternal shame......


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I find it just as outrageous as the "handing back" of Hong Kong...conveniently forgetting that Hong Kong itself was a wasteland until the East India company started their shipping post there. Formally ceceded to Great Britain in 1842 under the Treaty of Nanking. It is a pity that no one took into account the people living there either when it was "handed back" - can say from personal experience that the islanders (of both ex-Pat and Chinese origins) preferred British rule by some margin.


It is perhaps more outrageous with regards the Falklands, as the number of actual Argentines living there is sparse. The vast majority consider themselves British. In fact, they are British Citizens, lest we forget this particular act of parliament in 1983.


Anyone who thinks they should be given up has no real understanding of the Islands or the Islanders themselves; much as it was with Hong Kong.


"Vestiges of Empire" is forever a phrase used to excuse the blindness to history and the cultural factors at play.

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I wonder how our European and North Atlantic neighbours might feel about the UK claiming the Faroe Islands and launching an attention diverting diplomatic war with Denmark?


And while you are doing that, we'll use the confusion to annex St. Pierre and Miquelon (vestiges of French colonialism within sight of Newfoundland). :D



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I'm not quite sure of the relevance of Denmark and an imaginary claim to Faroes quite comes in. Though Hong Kong is quite relevant as an outpost, though there were quite different circumstances. The population of Hong Kong were for the most part Chinese and the territory was under lease. Gibraltar would be another good example though and while Spain is well and truly "in" the European Project there is unlikely to be more than mutterings on that subject.


Using dubious history to substantiate claims and counterclaims is not good and especially when you pick and choose your historical references. We do not have to go back too far in out own history with France, Ireland and even Scotland, let alone Australia, America and much of Africa to find that claims based on a historical president are not particularly relevant in today's world. You only have to look at the dire situation throughout the Middle East to see further examples and the current worrying revival of issues over Senkaku/Diaoyu especially with the recent relaunch of China's aircraft carrier.


The world evolves and will continue to do so, the voices of a few has never really played a significant part in the global picture. Most folk had never heard of the Falklands before they were invaded and most would not have cared had there had been a negotiated settlement. If the public knew of the cost of maintaining the situation there they probably would object. But now is probably not the time as the memory is too recent. Though I wwonder what might happen while our backs are turned fighting some other proxy war in the Middle East.

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