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Mk3 DVT livery information wanted


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Hi all,


Bit of a long shot, hoping some people have some late 90's coaching stock handbooks that they can flick through for me. Does anyone know which DVT's were the latest to wear Intercity livery? I'm modelling the late 90's and have one Virgin and one IC Swallow model, I want to number the IC one as one of the later ones to be more realistic.


Best I can find so far is a great collection of images on Flickr from a guy called Tim Horn, showing 103/116/132/140/141 in IC livery in May 98 ( 82116 TJH01 Tring Tuesday 19th May 1998 Copyright Tim Horn ) can anyone beat that for me? Any still going in 2000 would be great! I know a lot of 90's lasted that long.

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That chap sounds familiar :)


The best I can do with stuff I've scanned in already is September 1999




Earlier in the year in May




If I get a chance today I'll thumb through the stuff yet to be scanned. Just had a quick look and came up with this one 82107 in Jan 2000






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That's unbelievably helpful, thanks a lot! Never thought to look if you were on here haha.


Think i'll go with 107, that takes me right up to the period when GNER converted the 91/0's into /1's, as I have two of them.


As we're on the subject, do you know which 87's lasted longest in swallow? Should be easier as it seems virgin prioritized rolling stock over locomotives (i have an issue of model rail from may 2000 which indicates about half the class 90 fleet were still in swallow livery). The reason being I have a lovely detailed class 87 I got off eBay which is currently number/nameless. Wouldn't mind picking up another to do in virgin colours but that can wait for now!

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