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Zimo MX645 in a 7mm CL47 ?


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my appologies if this has ( and i suspect it has!) been covered elsewhere before!


I have fitted an MX645 as i was impressed by the sound, manual notching capability, and the slow speed control to my Heljan '47.

I have however, only got one motor fitted.

The problem I have is that there is an obvious lack of power. The motor , even with the bogies off the rails and off-load is notchy and lumpy and i can stall it just by touching the wheel lightly, whereupon the sound stops and the motor stalls. it will pick up again when the load is released, but the sound remains off unless i activate it again !!!


I havent measured the motor current yet, thats my next job when i get 5 minutes, but i would have thought the MX645 can handle that one motor ??????


incidentally, i am running it from a Sprog II, i have read that some people have had issues with programming thiers, but this one seems fine in that respect, just wont run!!!! ( i do notice that the LEd on the SPROG flashes faster when this 'fault' occurs, is this an indication??? )


Any body else had any similar issues?


many thanks


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