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Tesco Horse Burgers - Add your joke here!


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To combine two recent events.


"A Horse! a Horse! My Kingdom for a horse!"....


Not the time to get hungry now, Richard!

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Tesco are giving treble points on your Clubcard for all burgers and petrol, starting today. The deal’s called Only Fuel and Horses.


I selected some burgers on the Tesco website. And then clicked ‘Add to cart.’


Those Tesco horse burgers were nice, but I prefer My Lidl Pony.


I used to work on the Tesco meat counter, but it was like flogging a dead horse.


Despite the recent scandal, Tesco insist they use only meat of the highest quality. A spokesman said: ‘Our meat has to clear several hurdles before it goes on sale.’


Tesco would’ve got away with it if it wasn’t for the D 'n' Neigh test.

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