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Tesco Horse Burgers - Add your joke here!


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  • RMweb Premium

Stunned by two things that have been revealed by all this:


1 - School dinners actually contained 'meat'.  The stuff that was alledgely described as such when I was a schoolboy back in the 1980's certainly didn't resemble any meat I knew!

2 - There are no Swedes in Swedish Meatballs?!?

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Charming. I thought this was a "joke" thread.


I hope you don't need the help of the Police at some time in the future.

Please look back ay my orginal post it was very much tongue in cheek and why I used the word Porkquine rather than the latter. I hope that has covered by back with you Mr Bacon or are you still sizzling?



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And in related news...




(Any similarity between this site and the homepage of a certain well-known news organisation is entirely coincidental...they tell me...)


Oh dear. I have a home made sofa that contains horse!



This isn't a staged photo in response to this post. Honest! It got put there last night as I couldn't think where else to put it while I was tidying up!

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Cracking find that David.


Thanks for the chuckle,



You're welcome, Kev. Do keep an eye on the Newsthump site. In my view, it has some of the best satire on the 'net.

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  • RMweb Premium

Since we all  are effectively working on models of historical models of railways, how about a historical style joke?


I say, I Say I say,      what do you call dinner that has been burnt by the mother in law again?






Black Beauty!


I Thank You....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard that some tack was found in with the meat. Tesco spokesman tried to play it down, he said it was only a bit!

Just when you think it's going to drop off the 1st page, Colin strikes again.  Who said the Music Hall was dead and gone, it's alive on RMWeb!

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No horse meat has been found in a Waitrose burger, although a little polo pony has been noticed...........


Waiter, I've found some beef in my horse radish. Should I be worried?



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  • RMweb Gold

With a big cull on the cards, Woodolfthewednoseweindeerburgers next, the food of kings.

Actually the local branch of Tesco had venison burgers on sale a couple of weeks back - very heavily reduced and with a picture on the packet that looked a bit like a horse with a pantograph.

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Here's my 5 cents worth of bad humour...


The racing fraternity have always said it's "Horses for Courses" and now we know perhaps its not 'aintree' but 'entree, that they meant... ?



Perhaps I should just quitely leave through the kitchen exit and let the wags here get on with it?

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