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SAR / WHR B Wagon kits in 009


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Newly available are these resin kits in 009 for the latter design of SAR B wagons of which 8 are to be found on the Welsh Highland.




There is also an option to supply alternative doors to model the wagon adapted by the WHR to carry bikes.


The kits come with fold-up etched brass bogie frames with resin case suspension and axlebox details.  Both Diamond Frame and Bettendorf designs will be available. Wheels, bearings and 10BA bolts are not included.


A very limited number of kits with the Diamond Frame bogies are available from stock now for £25 + p&p ,  The Bettendorf bogies will be a few weeks away yet.


For more information about the kits and contact details for ordering go to http://bostonlargsworks.blogspot.com

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