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Z21 Problems Using A Booster


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I have just finished building a new layout. I have a new Z21. I decided to split the layout which is end to end onto two separate power districts. Each power district is half the layout and each half contains 7 points (controlled with tortoise point motors) and around the same amount of track.


I thought that I would split the layout  because I want to use the power bus to control/power the Frog Juicers, Point Motors that I have and any additional accessories in the future as well as cope with around 20 sound decoder locos sitting on the layout with sound on all from one controller. Which is what I believe DCC should be. I also have feeds via dropper wires to every separate piece of track from the track bus.


To split the layout I have a Roco 10765 and a Roco 10851 transformer. There are two separate power bus feeds, one for each half. Insulated rail joiners separate the connecting single track line between each half.


If I connect the Z21 and the Booster to the layout both halves work fine. Locos run in each half independently without a problem. However as locos cross the gap there is a short circuit as soon as loco pickups are either side of the insulated gap.


If I connect both power bus feeds to the Z21 the whole layout works fine and locos a will cross the insulated gap without a problem. I have tried reversing the track feed to the booster.  


Not being very good at this I may have posted this in two different place, many apologies for my incompetence.


Any suggestions to solve the problem welcomed though. Thanks.


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Try on either the z21 lr the booster to swich the wire around. (If on one you have red on a output black on b output then on the booster have black on a output and red on b output. (The the red and black is left track and right track.))



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Many thanks. Much appreciated. The track out from the booster lets me do that by simply reversing the plug, and I have tried it. Still get the short. Locos on both the Booster Section and the Z21 Section, when separated, travel in the same direction if you pick them up and place them in the other Section. They just do not like crossing the gap. I am wondering if the wheels are bridging the gap as the rail insulator join is not wide enough?

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