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Spent some time out of the heat and in the air conditioned basement working on adding some trees and static grass to the layout. All in all I did about 45 linear feet of scenery in a few evenings and one long weekend day. I consider all this to be a "first coat" of scenery, and there's still more work to do, but it's better than the wood, plaster, and stytrofoam that was here a couple of hours earlier!


There's a rather wide peninsula at the base of the stairs - this is about 40 feet from the scene with the SNE van. The mill building to the left is a BEST Trains kit - I also have a BEST Trains barn and general store that will be added to the peninsula scene. The creamery to the right is unfinished and still needs a siding added. post-3378-0-99109900-1373976094.jpg

The final structures for this scene are in various stages of completion on my workbench. The plain cardstock "boxes" which were serving as mockups seemed fine when there was no scenery - now they stick out like sore thumbs! Although trees can be boring to make at times, they serve some useful purposes - the tree line on the ridge in the far distance not only masks the turn back curve on the peninsula, it also obscures the north end staging yard, on the far wall, from view.post-3378-0-10715000-1373976277.jpg





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