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Layout ideas for 6'8 x 5'1


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Hi guys.


I recently bought a new bed which is an ottoman and due to not really having space for a layout with a continuous run anywhere else, Inside the bed frame is the destination.


The space i have to play with is exactly 6'8" long by 5'1" wide. The layout will only ever have basic scenery due to not having the hieght for buildings, so just ballasting and general grasssy/paved/tarmaced areas etc...


Due to the fact it will not have a lot in the way of scenery i would like to pack it with a lot of track as this layout will be for the fun of operating the trains, not admiring the scenery.


I will be running a various selection of trains including large tendered stem loco's to Dmu's and everywhere in between as its just for fun really.


I like very complicated pointwork (Especially Double slips) and would like a double track continuous run with station and fiddle yard.


The whole thing including points will be run via DCC and cobalt points motors which will all come from a previous project.


My question is can anyone come up with a design for this as i am useless at designing track that functions in anyway.


I found a plan which looks interesting and will give an idea of the kind of thing i like but im sure it will need changing. Mainy as i think it was designed for Hornby track but i have all Peco code 75.


If you could come up with a plan that i could load into anyrail i would be forever grateful so i can get this project started.



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  • RMweb Premium

I think you'll find yourself limited to 3rd radius curves with that plan and I think you will need to use "setrack" points unless you plan to build your own as the radius of code 75 points doesn't go small enough.


There's nowhere to run round trains easily so your sidings would seem to need to be capable of holding a loco at each end of a train unless you plan to release the loco of every arriving train and you can only do this by shunting via the outer track of the double track section on both sides of the layout.


Also, you can only access the bottom sidings from the inner circuit by crossing to the outer circuit in the bottom right hand corner and running wrong road almost all the way around the layout.


On the plus side there's plenty of scope for holding trains and the return loop will enable you to turn locos but it will be a pig to get to or from the return loop from either set of sidings.


You can leave a train running on the inner loop but doing so on the outer loop will prevent your use of the bottom sidings and two of the three top sidings.

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Thanks for your comments, Like i said in my previous post i am aware that plan has many flaws, it was merely just an illustration of the kind of thing i would like to achieve (all be it a fully functioning version)


If someone would be kind enough to help me with a working plan with some of those features  that would be great.


Like i said aswel it will be built solely with Peco code 75 track, and no set track either.



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  • RMweb Premium

I'm sorry if my previous mail sounded too critical. I was trying to indicate that what you are hoping to achieve may not be possible within all the parameters that you appear to have set yourself.


Can I suggest that you play around a little more with AnyRail using the Peco templates rather than the Hornby ones and noting that 2nd radius curves are 438mm and 3rd radius 505mm so your plan should not go below that - I have assumed from the use of code 75 rail that you are using OO.


Play around with sidings that will accommodate trains of the length you'd hope to operate - just to get the feel of how much space you'll need. Consider whether you are prepared to keep swapping trains over, taking some off the layout and putting others on it or whether you'll need most of your trains sitting idly on numerous sidings whilst the space that's left is used to, perhaps, run the only train that you can (because the rest of the space is full of occupied sidings).


Consider this (and I speak from bitter experience having spent the last nine months plus with most of my rolling stock gathering dust whilst I try to arrive at a track plan that I like): Three OO coaches total about 28½ inches long over couplings. A class 37 or 47 loco is a shade longer so a train of a loco and three coaches is just over three foot long. A circle of 3rd radius curves is just over 40 inches in diameter. That's 6ft 4ins in total for the running line and the presumably straight track in the station. This means that your points all need to be on curves or all, or a large part of the station on a curve. Throw in a crossover and that's another 20 inches used up.


You may get a basic double track circuit but I don't think you have the space for a significant number of sidings on which to store trains - and don't forget to allow yourself space to get to the more remote areas on the layout to re-rail stock etc.


Hope that gives you a few ideas for starters.

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Thanks again for an informative post. I did not take it to be too critical. I am well aware that my plans will be too ambitious but i usually start out that way in all my projects.


I am not overly fussed at running long trains as this is mainly for the pleasure of 'playing' with the trains rather than trying to reproduce prototypical manoeuvres always.


I enjoy operating and also enjoy laying the sections of track with more complex pointwork so i must get some in somewhere. I would be willing to drop to only one continuos run if that made life any easier.


And my biggest problem is i am not a lot of good on these programs hence why i was asking if anyone would be kind enough to help me produce one. (I would be willing to compensate for the time taken)


Many thanks

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Sounds like another job for CJ Freezerman :D.


Seriously, though, Cyril Freezer was the man when it came to packing seemingly impossible amounts of track into tiny spaces.  How about a double track main line and high level branch in 6' x 4'?  No problem if you accept set track curve radii and 2 or 3 coach trains and get your enjoyment from operation rather than visual realism.


Slightly more ambitious was a three track main line and high level branch, two MPDs and a goliath crane eqipped goods yard in 7' x 5' and including some complex junction pointwork.  I'm not 100% convinced allthe pointwork could really be fitted in but it might provide some ideas.  I'll shoot you a PM.

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Many thanks  PatB 


I do like the look of what you sent me in a PM .. I dont suppose anyone would be willing to reproduce that in Anyrail for me as i have tried on numerous occasions of making a layout with little success.



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  • RMweb Premium

You can send me a copy if you wish. However, my chances of doing much with it over the next few days are a bit slim other than for possibly an hour tomorrow. So if anyone else volunteers I'd take up their offer in preference to mine.


That said, AnyRail isn't that hard to master - I managed it! - so I would suggest that you have another try with the program and see what you can come up with, even if it is nothing like what you want to start with, it will get you used to how the program functions and you can develop it from there. You could then vary your parameters to suit what you find you can accommodate.


Where I think you'll have the greatest problem is in sticking with code 75 rail as this limits you to a minimum 2ft radius point whereas code 100 settrack points are smaller and they should allow you to get more tracks onto the baseboard. The settrack curved points even appear to use a much tighter radius than their code 75 equivalent which can only be a plus.

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