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Glenngary tramway


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As promised these are the outings planned so far for the Glenngary Tramway in 2017 .


25/26 February     Lincoln & District model railway club 2017 Exhibition.    Newark Showground.


6th May  (1 day)     Scarborough at Westborough Methodist Church Hall 


20/21 May              Behind The Scenes Family Weekend North Yorkshire  Moors Railway  Pickering Railway Station


5/6 August          Cleveland Model Railway Club Show. Redcar and Cleveland  Collage


19/20 August     Scarborough and District Railway Modellers annual show  Pickering Memorial hall.


29 Sep - 1 Oct     N.Y.M.R. Autumn Steam Gala Pickering Station.


We are always on the lookout for venues and exhibition managers who are willing to include a somewhat unique large scale model of Victorian cliff railway history.


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  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately during the journey down to the Lincoln & District model railway club 2017 Exhibition at  Newark Showground  we were involved in an RTA with a large lorry .Both Dianne and I are ok but the layout received what on first sight appears to be only cosmetic  damage but will require a full test session to ascertain if this is the case.

The car however may prove to be a write off ! We had only just changed it 8 weeks ago and all can say is thank God Skoda Yetis are built like tanks.

We are really sorry not to make it to the show and hope everybody has an enjoyable  and safe weekend

Gary and Dianne

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone

Firstly we would like to thank everyone for there well wishes following our recent accident. Both Dianne and I are fine thank you.

The layout escaped with only a detached front sign which was easily fixed in a few minutes. We place our smaller items in plastic storage boxes for transport and when packed in the car I cover them with a large thick blanket to keep them out of sight, this also seems to have acted like a cargo net preventing things flying around the car during the impact.

We now have the car back after over £5,500 of repairs but as this was all bodywork with no mechanical  damage it seems to be as good as new. I just need to get over my paranoia that something is going to go wrong with it !

Alan Webster at the Lincoln & District Model Railway Club has kindly rebooked us for their 2018 show at the  Newark showground.

2018 will also see us making the long trip down to the Folkestone Model Railway Exhibition .

Our next outing this year will be the Scarborough Model Railway Show at the Westborough Methodist Church, Scarborough Saturday 6th May 2017. This will be the first time we have shown the trams in public in our home town so really looking forward to this one.

I am pleased to report that work on Dianne’s layout Evan Quarry has restarted but getting the slate quarry look we are after is a very time consuming process.


A new video for you this time takes us on a short trip up the Welsh Highland Railway to just short of the Aberglasyn pass on a wet autumn day.


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  • 1 month later...

For the first time this year we hit the road to attend our first ever one day event. In fact it was a day of first’s as it was the first time that we had displayed the Trams in our home town of Scarborough. This brand new event was the first to be held in the town for over 20 years and was solely organised by two local model railway enthusiasts. The invition gave us the chance to fulfil one of the long held items on our bucket list of to-do’s for the Trams. It seemed fitting that we should run in the green livery as this was the one the system wore when they originally ran in a garden less than a mile from the exhibition venue.








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  • 3 weeks later...

Our latest outing with the trams was at the  Behind The Scenes Family Weekend on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. The location for this very informal event was the carriage restoration shed at  Pickering Station. Visitor numbers were low but the chance to get close to the workings of the railway made up for that. I even managed to get into the control room of the 1970’s Plasser Tamper machine.

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  • 2 months later...

Back home safely after spending the weekend exhibiting the Glenngary Tramway at the Redcar show. We would like to thank Martin and his team for Providing a warm and friendly welcome. During the event we shot  some video hope you enjoy it

All the best to the members of the  Cleveland Model Railway Club.

Gary and Dianne

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August 2017 is shaping up to be our busiest month  of the year  with outings for the trams on the first ,third and fourth weekends. Having completed the first exhibition and the next weekend free we took the opportunity whilst the system was out of storage to do some extended maintenance. A tidy up of the wiring  and rerouting of some of the cables plus repositioning of the street lights to the Cliffside of the incline being top of the list. The street lights had always proved to be easily damaged mostly during transport so moving them was planned some time ago and the upside is that it is now easer to thread the tramcar cable around  the head drum during setup etc. 

Our next outing is the SDRM annual show at Pickering  [19th and 20th Aug] and as this will be our 8th visit so, in keeping with previous years we have made some additions so there is something new to see. For this year we have added extra lighting to the incline and bottom station plus a lighthouse to the headland above it. All being well we will be videoing the  proceedings and I will post it here in due course.



Edited by jayvid
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  • 5 weeks later...

Our next outing with the trams is The North Yorkshire Moors  Railways Autumn Steam gala  on the 29th and 30th September and 1st October.  As this is a 3 day event and due to work etc. setup for us is on the Friday morning and  results in a frantic couple of hours whilst we make sure that  everything is running ok. The venue  is The Learning Centre on Platform 2 At Pickering Station and is our only visit  there this year .



Work on our new layout Evan Quarry  has taken on a sense of urgency as we have received 2 invites to shows on the strength of some mock- up photos that appeared  on the clubs website.  Evan Quarry is a total departure from anything I have modelled before and is the first time Dianne has tried to construct a layout form scratch.  The purpose of the mock-up photos was to see if we could produce work of anywhere near the standard required for the exhibition circuit . So we now have a deadline of Spring next year.


 As well as the Tramway and railway videos on our  YouTube channel we also have other content  on a number of subjects. These include our "Out N About" series where we visit various places of interest .

​"A guide to collecting 1/72nd scale land rovers "   [seen on many 00 gauge layouts] Is a series of videos to support the collecting land rovers section of the new Glenngary Tramway  website

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

 We had planned  to finish the 2017 season of events with a trip to The Christmas Model Railway Show at Manchester this December 2nd and 3rd , Following an invite from Philip Sweet . Unfortunately I have been laid low by yet another bad chest infection requiring a long course of medication to hopefully resolve things ,so after discussing the matter with Phillip it was agreed that we should withdraw from this years event. I would like to thank Phillip and his team for there kind words and understanding and we hope to be able to be part of this event at a future date.

One of the side effects of the meds has been a distinct trembling of the hands so just sitting quietly working on a modelling project has at times proved to be a futile exercise. This has allowed time to catch-up with some video editing of projects filmed over the past year. One of the most popular vids we did in 2016 was the Llanberis Lake Railway which has just passed 500 views in total [a lot for one of my efforts !]. The intention was always  to do a Part 2  to cover the section of the line around the bottom of the lake to Llanberis station across the  road from the Snowdon mountain Railway, Hope you enjoy it.





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  • 1 month later...

The seasons greetings to everyone

As the clock ticks on and another year draws to a close we would like to thank everyone on RM Web, Facebook, Twitter ,YouTube and Wix Blog for there continuing support. TheGlenngary Tramway  is due to hit the road again in February and we are very much looking forward to that !   

Work on Evan Quarry is progressing slowly due to my recent  ill health but i am now getting back to it so things should soon be back on track.

As Dianne and I travel around visiting places to film for our videos Dianne manages to take hundreds of photos most of which end up on a hard drive never to be seen again. Whilst neither Dianne or myself profess to be experts on photography its a shame that some of Di's pictures are destined never to be seen. After much persuasion she has let me assemble some for a series of videos called "A Postcard from"

Below also is a couple of videos that i posted on my other blogs etc. but not on here for some reason hope you enjoy them.

Merry Christmas and a happy New year

Gary and Dianne


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  • 3 weeks later...

Music ! and the ninetieth video

The thorny question of the use of music in videos has divided opinion since the likes of YouTube  first launched.. Amateur video makers don't have the luxury of closed sets or multiple retakes so we have to work with what we have shot. During editing background conversations not noticed at the time of filming can be demeaning of the chosen subject or unsuitable for a mixed audience. For our videos we often mix still images and motion video together and this can result in a very disjointed audio track .  So we choose to  add a carefully chosen piece of music whilst not falling foul of the complex copyright laws. At the end of the day you cannot please everyone .
"Rant over".
 First video of 2018 is our ninetieth upload and features the excellent Welsh Highland Heritage Railway museum.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Whilst doing research for our new slate quarry model railway we are building i have developed a deep respect for the skill and determination of the workforce. Extracting slate from high up in the Welsh mountains wearing little more than a shirt, waistcoat and a donkey jacket summer and winter alike. In the late 1800's safety was almost none existent with many workers killed or injured . The only people to get rich from slate were the quarry owners !
In our next Out n About video we take a look at the slate museum dedicated to the industry that roofed most of the buildings in the UK

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Unfinished Business 


Having not made it last year due to a road accident whilst on route, it was defiantly a case of unfinished business as we drove to Newark for the  Lincoln & District model railway club 2018 exhibition. 
I am still recovering from my long running chest problems so medical advice was sort before committing to attend and I would like to thank everyone who assisted  with the lifting and carrying at the venue to make this possible.
The trams played there part and never missed a beat , sorry but to reduce the workload we did not take the video camera on this occasion but i took a couple of pics on my mobile phone to record the event.
Coming soon we will have news of a new beginning for the trams.  





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Busy, busy, busy

Since our last update the trams have been exceedingly busy.  Following   the Lincoln show they went out on loan to the brother-in-laws new shop and ran for 3 weeks on display in the window. Tramcars Carli and June were on duty and covered over 19,000 metres in just over 3 weeks.  It was straight from there to spend the Easter Break at the 3 day York Model Railway show at the Knavesmire in York.  This was a very busy show and left us with no time to look around ourselves. The red team of cars ran faultlessly over the 3 days of exhibiting .

We then had 3 days to service the entire model before it was off to the Scarborough and District Railway Modellers. 40th Anniversary Show in Scarborough. The attendance at this show far exceeded the clubs expectations so much so that we had run out of our “I drove the trams cards” by 1pm on the first day!

The very first exhibition we did with the trams was a Scarborough and district railway modellers’ event at Pickering Station back in May 2010 and since then we have done 34 shows. So it seemed fitting that we marked this  anniversary show as our last regular exhibition outing for the time being. The trams will not be retiring; on the contrary as they are going to be running on display in a small toy shop Dianne has opened on the outskirts of Scarborough.  

The trams have now been running daily in the shop for 2 weeks now and are covering around 800 metres per day so a new servicing regime has had to be implemented.

For the record here are some stats

5 years as a garden railway

34 exhibitions attended

8 radio interviews

5 TV interviews

1 magazine article

Tramcar fleet  distance covered = 250,000 metres 

Not too bad for what started out as a bit of fun in the garden

Gary and Dianne

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