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Welcome to the group!

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Welcome all!


The aim of this group is for RMWeb members based in the south-east of the UK - so that's Kent, Sussex, Surrey and bits of South London and anywhere else that may be on the periphery "sahf of the river".


Although I have asked for this group to be set up (being surprised there wasn't one already), I don't want to be the "sole organiser" of stuff so I'm more than happy to hear from people with specialist skills or just even an interest in helping out.


Obviously any group is only as good (or otherwise) as its members and those that post, so there's many potential things that the group can do once we get going but here are a few initial thoughts that I'm happy to add to.


1) Arranging days out at one of our many local heritage railway related locations - Bluebell, Kent & East Sussex, Lavender Line, Spa Valley, RH&DR, Amberley museum, Mid Hants etc.


2) Informing people of shows coming up in our area.


3) Potential of a "members day" and small exhibition (or several) somewhere in our area.


4) Opportunity to visit, help out with other member's layouts by arrangement and "relief exhibition operators" if needed.


5) Opportunity for non-railway "social events" such as a curry night.


6) Modular standard project

Edited by cromptonnut
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Hi, there was a SE group on a previous incarnation of RMweb. Trouble is it seems to have died a slow and quiet death. There are quite a few members in the area so I really hope it succeeds this time.

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Looks like this idea got overtaken by apathy!


`AH well I hear there's a pretty good crowd operating out of Newhaven or Seaford or somewhere of that ilk. My local options are Horsham and Worthing - been to a couple of open days, but never quite got the bug.


Maybe I'm just anti social !

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Hi bigwordsmith


Not "apathy" - just other stuff :)


It may be that we haven't posted in this thread for a while, but we certainly have been busy, we had a curry night social, and of course our famous inaugural SECAG modular meet as per the signature.  We are looking at another meeting in 2016 but building work at the venue means we currently cannot book a date but there are a few of us "behind the scenes" plodding on with making things, and no doubt once we have firm dates others will decide to join in the fun.


We were never going to be a group that met on a weekly basis like a normal club because we're not normal - and I'm not just talking about the members :)


So ... whatchawannado?

Edited by cromptonnut
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