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Steves roundy test track

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Having decided to stick with Apa boxes for future projects, I realise I need somewhere for running in. I had a 3rd radius oval left over from the DCC trainset I had and found a spare lid from a crate at work. A picture of the test track was featured in my Apa Park thread with my eldest lad having a go. In the model shop in Paignton he said about having some scenery on the board so here it is,the start of my new project, as yet nameless...



Untitled by Steve Purves, on Flickr



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Nice one, I've got a similar small loop of track glued to hardboard for running in locos, still the closest thing to a model railway I've actually had time to complete :D


Your design reminded me of one I saw in Railway Modeller - normally I don't like that magazine but they sometimes cover micros which the others are hesitant to do - Kidmore Magna, a small N gauge loop which has been scenically treated and also has a siding. In its most basic form it does look very trainset, but done right it can be as evocative and pleasing as something ten times the size (and cost), as this guy has proven.



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Saddletank. You are correct in that my Kidmore Magna is based on Littleton Curve, a video of which I found on You Tube whilst in the planning stage. I'm a firm believer in that the wheel shouldn't be reinvented, indeed the majority of layouts incorporate something the builder has seen before.........deliberately or unconsciously.

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Ah, I did not know that was you! In that case I should let you know yours was one of the layouts that steered me towards small space designs when I first rekindled an interest in model railways, so thank you for showing your wonderful model in that article. Another was Black Sheep Lane, a 2 level small layout with a trackplan more than coincidentally similar to your Kidmore Cutting version. And your version of the Gumstump track arrangement has also got me thinking about doing something similar, although that idea is well shelved for now!


Its a good point that there are fundamentally only a finite number of ultra-simple designs, and a layout that can incorporate the otherwise uninspiring, boring oval of track found in a starter train set is only a good thing for enticing newcomers to build something more than just a bare loop.


Or worse still, a Hornby trackmat!

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Number 1 had a play last night, all works well I am pleased to report. I did a bit more work on this, just by putting a base coat of earth brown paint and then a coat of PVA for some Javis scatter. I find it gives a nice even base to build up on.

roundy by Steve Purves, on Flickr

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  • RMweb Premium

Just realised I haven’t updated this thread for a while… Progress has been slow of late with priority being given to Apa Park. This have been out a few times for the boys to watch and play with but very little has happened. Here’s a shot of the new 47 being run in...


20140616_123502 by Steve Purves, on Flickr


Whilst the layout was out I started to add a bit of depth to the hill and embankments to see how it looked



20140616_131335 by Steve Purves, on Flickr


I have now added a very rough base to the roadway (using Scalescenes tarmac) and also built up the area around the siding with card to rail height. This has been covered with Scalescenes concrete. Again, very slow progress, as it is not much more than a scenic test track!

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I think this sort of model has got to be worthwhile - a way to run in locomotives and a chance to try out some new techniques for scenery or baseboards. And the cost should be next to nothing. The arrangement of the oval on the diagonal of the baseboard (instead of lining it up with the baseboard edges) helps to remove the train set look too.


My own "test track" existed as an oval of Kato Unitrack resting on a bit of ply for a while, but another modeller gave me some foam board and I built a baseboard for it. I've attached a couple of pics so others can see a different approach to much the same end (I included a gradient for a bridge over a stream), but please don't see this as wanting to hijack the thread. I've written about it for the local "club news" and I promised the editor I'd let him publish before I put a report onto the rmweb!


- Richard.




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  • RMweb Premium

I have had a quiet weekend on the cards and had a look for something to do, moving the roundy out of the way whilst looking. It then dawned on me… I probably have enough scenic in hand to get this to a more finished state before it sells. That was settled then, Saturday morning, out came the glue and woodland scenics. Trees were planted first, followed by hedgerows. I added a kestrel house atop of the hill and gave it some gardens. I scratch built a little halt station out of plasticard and got the airbrush out to weather the track. Here is the results from the day…


A 156 approaches the halt.



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



08 bringing in the coal



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr


58 rumbling past



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



An overall view…



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr

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  • RMweb Premium

Just to make some space in my ‘storarge area’ (read downstairs toilet) I have been trying to sell the test track. Well, I decided last night to take it outside in the last of the daylight and get some better pics. It must have worked because I have now got a provisional buyer at the £200 asking price. Anyway, heres a selection of the shots taken last night in the natural light… a trip from the siding back to the siding…



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr



Test track by Steve Purves, on Flickr

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