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  • RMweb Gold

For those of you that don't follow my other somnolent thread (Doxey End) I thought I'd post here that I've come to a decision on how I can at least progress a little. Instead of waiting on my rebuilding the inside of my garage, which has take a back seat behind a lot of other things in life, I've decided to move DE up to the loft.


There's a nice dry space that is lined, with strengthened and boarded floors about 11m by 3m between the runs of shelves that are front and back of the house. So plenty of room to set stuff up, even if it's not as convenient pulling down a loft ladder. But we also enlarged the hatch so all of my planned boards for DE and NE will go through it!


So I'll be setting up the layout(s) up there for now. Which will give me more of an incentive to make some models (buildings and rolling stock) in my office! I'll keep you up to date and I'll take some photos of the space up there next time I go up so you can see what I'm prattling on about.


What I do intend though is to progress DE as quickly as I can with only starting on baseboards at most on NE. I will, however, be building stock for NE as that can run on both!

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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to see that you have now some time and space to relax with your railways.  Having something for them to run on, or having a place to put your buildings certainly helps with motivation.  All the best.

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  • RMweb Gold

So maybe I'm just procrastinating, but after a quick exchange with AndyY and realising that the images on my threads were unlikely to return I decided to go back through them and repost them (at least all the ones that I can find). Once I've done that I'm going to save the lot to a Word document so that I have my own back up of it as a record of what I've done. Sad to think that some of the images in contributions to my thread by others, such as Jock, are gone forever, but at least I still have the text that was posted that was a great encouragement at the time. Only up to page three so far... during a conference call for work! Sadly, while I kept a great track of my images at the start, I think that later I may struggle to find them. We'll see when I get there.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well that didn't take me as long as I expected. Helped by the fact that (by a peculiar quirk of the IT fates) pages 15 to 17 had had all of the images restored, which included some long posts of kit builds with lots of pictures, I have now completed reuploading all of my images for this thread. It also means that I now have them all located in a single, well documented, source directory! I'll have to do the same for my DE thread, but very pleased to have Newcastle Emlyn back fully documented. This excludes images posted by other contributors of course, which sadly are still missing, but I can't do anything about those.


So for those who may want to look back at my mistakes, they are all there in full technicolour.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good to see the thread restored. Like you I found that it doesn't take that long in practice. I hope others will follow suit. Countless are the times when I've searched for tips and information only to end up on a thread with no illustrations. It's also good for RMweb visitor traffic I'm sure.


I hope things are going well in the loft (an odd statement to anyone but a railway modeller!).



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  • 10 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Those of you of a nervous disposition look away now as I'm posting an update after nine months. Family life has got in the way, but this evening I decided that I at least should try some kit building to get back to things. Sorry, it's not really anything new. I thought that the quickest results would be to have a go at some more 16-ton minerals. Sadly way out of date for my favourite era. But I did have three kits waiting close at hand and I thought I'd give a production run a try. Not finished by a long way, but I've advanced them in little over an hour to a stage that at least they look like waggons!








The pictures are only there as proof that I've actually done something! They're no different from the one that I did back seven years ago! All the fiddly bits left to do, so they may be done one at a time. But we'll see how it goes. They're sat on my desk now, so they'll keep nagging at me to get on with them. So shouldn't be nine months before the next instalment.


But that's all for today. I now need to go to make sure that the two newest additions to our flock of bantam chickens have managed to find their way into the coop!


Thanks for looking!

Edited by Anotheran
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  • RMweb Premium

Don't worry about your rate of progress. I am competing with you for slowness.

Glad to see that you are OK though. And the bantams are more important than 16 ton mineral wagons. Now if they were Cambrian 2-plankers . . .


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