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Canadian Customs


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In the last three months Canada Customs have got me twice whereas historically they would get me maybe once a year.   I was talking to the Postmistress and she said they are seeing a lot more people being assessed duty in the last few months.  Has anyone else noticed a change in behaviour.  If it does turn out to be a real pattern change it will have a big impact on my purchasing patterns since with the 20% handling fee it will not take much to pay for a trip to the UK.

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How close to the US border do you live? (I'm assuming you live in Canada.) If you're close and/or buying a lot from overseas, it might be an idea to make use of one of the 'parcel receiving' places just on the US side. Some (most?) now charge on a 'per parcel' basis. You still have to cross back into Canada with your purchases and deal with Customs then, but I've declared everything on the three occasions I've done this, and not been charged any duty. Now that is likely to change if the value is high (my total was under $100 each time), but then you could make a weekend of it and claim your 48 hours allowance against the cost.

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Interesting..... must be at least 10 years since i was last stung for GST on a parcel coming in to Canada. Back around the 15 years ago mark it used to be a common occurrence, but then they just seemed to stop bothering. Was your parcel high value ?


Curiously, recently i've been hearing a bunch of different stories from people in different areas of life about revenue Canada (or whatever they're called now) seemingly going on fishing expeditions to shake money out of different groups of people - someone who owes back taxes getting a phone call saying their recently agreed payment plan was no longer acceptable, union members & professionals being asked for proof of their dues and membership fees, self employed folks getting spotlighted on their business expenses and having to basically prive they are self employed.... lots of 'little stuff' that kinda makes you wonder if $$$$ is starting to become an issue in Ottawa....

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Well they've brought the corporation tax rates down in Canada and the provinces. Makes the place more competitive as a place to have a business. But in the meanwhile the lost CADs have to come from somewhere....


Here in the UK I was asked for proof of the tax deducted from the interest I'd received one year (the interest was all of about £40) and copies of receipts or other proof supporting the Gift Aid relief I'd claimed on (admittedly limited) charitable donations.- I keep a spreadsheet for that and some receipts. but guess what - if you keep the receipts in your wallet the print wears away or fades. They went away.

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It varies wildly. I've had to collect small packets and pay duty and had loco kits left on the step. Canada Revenue Agency (the latest incarnation) is under a lot of pressure due to the tactics of the current government who won't go after fat cats storing their dosh offshore but will audit grannies in care homes, go figure...





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T'other side of the border, I have been lucky as the USPS don't seem to bother much with collecting duty. Never on my toys and the only time we have had to pay was when my wife went

shopping at Selfridges and they shipped it back here. But that's another story!



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In response to the OP, no, I haven't seen a particular change in the number of parcels that get intercepted. The most recent one (from the US) was too big to go in the parcel box so they left it on my doorstep - there was only about $200 of brass kits in it... The only recent ones I've had to pay for were two boxes of N-scale freight cars.


I could probably get away with not locking my front door in my neighborhood.



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