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Blog- Morgan's Workbench & Photo Blog - Small loco detailing parts (LNER Cabside Screens)

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OK so it has been a very long time since I posted anything on here but I have a couple of things to post in the coming days.


Firstly, readers of the "Wright Writes" thread will be aware that I planned to produce some small etched cabside screens for use on Hornby LNER locomotives. This morning the postie delivered my etchings and I now have two designs of fret available to purchase. Whilst these items are primarily designed as replacements for the Hornby plastic screens there is nothing to stop them being used on other appropriate RTR or kit built locos. The photos below shows the frets and a screen fitted to a Graeme King A1/1 conversion that used some spare DJH etched cabsides.


Fret 1: Cabside Screens for Hornby A3/A4

Fret 2: Cabside Screens for Hornby B1/B17/L1/O1






The basic shape of the visible screen frame is the same on both frets but the mounting spigot positions differ to match the hole positions on the Hornby models. Each fret has 12 screens which is enough for 6 locos (2 per loco) except for the L1 that needs 4 screens per loco. If you are real masochist like me it is possible to glaze them with some thin strips of clear acetate held in place with clear glue or varnish.


If you are interested in one or both of these fret please send me a private message (PM) and I will get back to you with details of how to order.



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