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Blog- Buckjumper's Blog - GW H7 flat wagon with a BC-1 container

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Something I recently dredged out from one of the containers on the drive - an ex-GW H7 flat wagon with a BC-1 container.




Originally built five or six years ago, this was going to be in the 1930s GW livery, but the commission ground to a halt when my client changed period to late Edwardian, so back it went unpainted into the box, until picked up by someone else for an early 1950s setting.


It's built almost as designed with the exception of replacement GW-style screw couplings from Laurie Griffin and CPL's lovely shackle and chain set (there's a pretty good write-up of them over on Raymond Walley's site here). Despite the split spring design of the shackles where the two halves are mated with cyano when in position on the wagon, I found it hard to give the impression the chains were taut, so pushed down on the hook at the top so it was flat against the container, tightening everything up, introduced a little glue and bob's your uncle.


Cheeky? Yes. Non-prototypical? Yes. Compromise? Yes. Would you have known if I'd not told you? Exactly! ;)


I love the juxtaposition of the dull oxide of the flat wagon and the glossy carriage crimson on the container with this livery, and despite being weathered, I wanted to maintain that combination of finishes. With my usual 'chuck loads of paint at it and take it all off again' routine, which I've described extensively on here already, followed by a few hours of drybrushing highlights and shadows I think I've just about cracked it.

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