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Triang Rocket


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Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I couldn't see a thread devoted to Triang.


Triang Rocket - how many different coaches were there ? I have seen The Times, Despatch, and Experience, but have a nagging idea there was a fourth one. Is this a brain-fart or can anyone tell me if Triang or Hornby produced another name please ?


The crew for the Stephensons Rocket is typically missing from examples for sale. Does anyone make a replica crew (in the very unlikely event that an original would be available now) ? Is this because the crew wasn't available with all the different versions sold over the years ? 

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Might be something ion the 'Collectable/Vintage section of 'Special Interests'.


Regarding the coach names, this site http://www.tri-angrailways.org.uk/rockcoach.htm mentions only the same three that you recall.


For its date, the set was a good effort. Modern drives would enable a yet better job, fifteen years to go to the 200th anniversary should allow some commissioner/manufacturer partnership ample lead time to develop it?

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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I couldn't see a thread devoted to Triang.


Triang Rocket - how many different coaches were there ? I have seen The Times, Despatch, and Experience, but have a nagging idea there was a fourth one. Is this a brain-fart or can anyone tell me if Triang or Hornby produced another name please ?


Could be a brain-fart. I think the '4 named versions' applied to the Tri-ang Pullmans. There were definitely 4 of those.

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  • RMweb Gold

"The crew for the Stephensons Rocket is typically missing from examples for sale. Does anyone make a replica crew (in the very unlikely event that an original would be available now) ? Is this because the crew wasn't available with all the different versions sold over the years ?"


The Dapol kit includes a couple of figures in top hats if that's any use.

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  • RMweb Premium

The Hornby collectors site says there were only a loco, tender + the three coaches you mentioned but I wonder if you have seen this, and that is what is triggering the memory http://www.vectis.co.uk/Page/ViewLot.aspx?LotId=89344&Section=198&Start=40

But it says


'OO Gauge Triang Stephensons Rocket Loco and Tender and 4 Coaches (one repainted and adapted).'


So the 4th one is modified & repainted, so its not a genuine model.

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Hi Guys,


Thank you for the replies.


Shortliner - I hadn't seen that, but it is quite interesting. I don't have a visual memory of 4, just a vague recollection of having heard it somewhere.


34C - now thats a good plan ! Would be quite a popular re-release if upgraded with a decent motor etc.


teaky - I had a look at the Dapol kit, the driver is nice but nothing like the original. Maybe I'll have to consider some butchery.


Does anyone know if all versions of the Rocket included the crew ? So many seem to be sold without them I'm beginning to suspect they were not supplied.

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Checking the slip-in leaflet in the 1980 catalogue, G.104 came with a set of transfers for five names: Experience, Traveller, Times, Treasurer and Despatch (the names used on the 00 model in bold).


Consulting the 'History of Rovex' tome will confirm that only the three names shown in the above post in bold were used on the OO model coaches.


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