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Blog- ANOTHER Challenge! - The Challenge for 2015...

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Here we go again... I received my EMGS Newsletter' today.... Take an area 5' 00" x 18.2" (the '0.2" might be critical!) and turn it into a layout by November 2015... The Plan:-




pretty blank at the moment - but various themes are floating round my head.... Oh yes, the hatched lines represent the space taken by the cassette-type fiddle-yard(s).


Theme 1 'Perfection Wharf' -

- a canal basin

- Wharehouses

- wagon turntables

- high level 'access' line.


Theme 2 'Perfection Brewers'

- canal basin

- Maltings

- boiler-house

-road crossing

-Pub (to make use of he one I built years ago)!


3. 'Perfection Sidings'

- almost derelict small yard, possibly industrial

-very run-down

-3-way stub point access

-overbridges each end (type??)

-'high-level' access?


5. Halt station

-industrial setting, possibly using elements of (1) & (2)

-replace water with station

- 'Heavy Engineering' location?


Whatever theme I use, it will be 'architecture heavy', and movement light'! The cassettes will only be 12''long, so a loco and two wagons max. However, the potential for movement might be increased by the 'high-level' line in front of a backscene, where the cassette acts as a 'crane-lift' to the lower level. There will be no pointwork as such although the 'yard entrances' (if visible) will probably be represented by a standard crossing-nose or a three-way stup.


Should have something more concrete in the next couple of days. However, because of other working commitments I'm limiting myself to 'wednesdays only' on this one - so about 52 days modelling to finish it!


Oh yes - the baseboard size... 5' = 60" and 2015 will be the 60th anniversary of the formation of the EM Gauge Society. and of course '18.2' (mm) is the track gauge!





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