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Blog- Dave at Honley Tank's Blog - A Lost Race?

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That second Saturday in December is getting too close!


Both chassis are now running at some-where approaching an acceptable standard. But what a struggle I’ve had.


One would think that with all the experience I’ve had, - about 1965 when I made my first scratch built loco; (C13, No.7402, which is one of the subjects in this project) – I should be able to build a simple chassis in an evening almost.


But not so! I seem to have learned nothing about bogies and how to attach ‘em to an otherwise smooth running chassis.


Gaining clearance of the loco main frames has left me with a need to trim away so much main frame that I will now need to add some fake main frames and guard irons as part of the bogie.


Having sorted the swing problems I was then faced with finding the correct amount of vertical play. Too much one way allows the trailing wheels, (rear pony, but read earlier post, ‘cause it’s not a pony!), to rise to a very easy to de-rail height. Too much in the opposite direction and weight is lost from the driving wheels which spin pleasantly but add no linear motion. And after you’ve made that minute adjustment, don’t forget to check buffer height !?!?!


It should be possible to calculate all this but I’m not clever enough to do so; even if I were, am I skilled enough to work to the needed accuracy? I’ll have to stick to ‘suck-it-&-see’ and learn even more Russian!


As both locos still need things like brakes, sand boxes & pipes, ejectors & injectors etc it’s beginning to look as though the club’s competition will have no entry from Honley Tank.


I’ve also been distracted by a theme currently running under “Skills & Knowledge Centre/scenery, structures & transport/Silhouette Cameo cutter” in the forums section of this rmweb thingy.


Sorry; no pictures this time.


Thanks for reading; now go and do some modelling.




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